Search Results for : Depression

How Common Habits May Harm Your Brain: A Guide to Protecting Cognitive Health

Our brain is one of our strongest assets, but do you know that some of our most common habits may damage our brain and its functions? — Despite its relatively small size, accounting for only about 2% of our total


Adam Peaty Wins Silver at Paris 2024 After Overcoming Mental Health Issues

Adam Peaty, a British swimmer won a silver medal in the Paris Olympics 2024. He was diagnosed with ADHD and struggled with alcohol abuse. English competitive swimmer Adam George Peaty specialises in breaststroke and is also an eight-time World Champion,

Health Positive

Living with the Body Scar

The Face is represented as the mirror of the mind as it reflects the emotional condition of an individual. The process can be seen by some common phenomena such as blushing with embarrassment skin fading with fear, and sweating with


Understanding Mutism: Types, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Mutism is a condition characterized by an inability or unwillingness to speak, or a significant reduction in speech. It is a frequent clinical sign observed in both psychiatric and neurological outpatient clinics. Although rarely seen as an isolated disability, it

Positive Self Help

10 Characteristics of Highly Satisfied People, According to Psychology

Life satisfaction is an essential aspect of human well-being. This has been examined by many scholars in different fields & disciplines. Philosophically, life satisfaction can be taken as a form of the human search for happiness and fulfilment. Greek philosophers


ADHD and Workplace Challenges

“Could you please calm your nerves, or do you have ADHD?”“Why can’t you just concentrate and do it right for just one time?”“Please get back to your room, and save me from trouble” All of us have had parents/caregivers complaining


Natural Remedies and Psychological Benefits for Better Sleep

How many hours do you sleep every day? How fast do you fall asleep? Sleep is essential for physical and mental rejuvenation. Did you know, according to reports, India ranks as the second most sleep-deprived country in the world, following


Catatonia: Understanding the Spectrum of Motor Abnormalities

Catatonia is a neuropsychiatric disorder represented by a spectrum of motor abnormalities. This can be right from complete mobility to excessive, the moment of purposelessness. Understanding catatonia identifies its varied presentations, causes and reasons, Effective management Strategiesand treatments. Catatonia specifically


The Psychology Behind Vulnerable Narcissism 

A narcissist is characterized as someone who displays grandiosity and has a superiority complex. Famous figures such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Madonna and Kim Kardashian incorporate what is perceived as a deep need for admiration and evoke powerful, larger-than-life


Understanding Primal Therapy: A Clear Path to Emotional Healing

In a world where we try to suppress our true emotions to maintain social decorum, imagine a therapeutic journey that unlocks our deep-rooted emotional pain from early life experiences. This therapy is called primal therapy. In the era dominated by