Search Results for : mood

Strategies for Addressing Body Image Concerns in Bipolar Disorder

Body image, or the picture you have of your physical appearance in your own eyes, is highly personal. For those with bipolar disorder, mood episodes and side effects can magnify body image issues. Bipolar disorder is a mental health illness


Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD): Symptoms, Treatment and Diagnosis

A skewed sense of self and extreme, erratic emotions are symptoms of histrionic personality disorder (HPD). One definition of histrionic is “dramatic or theatrical”. “Individuals suffering with histrionic personality disorder have an inflated sense of self-worth that is based on


Understanding Pica Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Remember those moments from childhood when we sometimes explored by tasting things like mud or dirt? While it’s common for children to be curious and occasionally try non-food items, some people develop an overwhelming and persistent urge to eat these

Life Style Self Help

10 Meditation Techniques Everyone can (and should) Explore

Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati This quote represents the core of meditation. What is this core? Well, according to the ancient texts from which meditation was born, it is a practice employed to

Life Style

The Psychology of Hunger

We require energy and nutrients for the functioning of our body. And these nutrients in our body come mostly from what we eat. Now what we eat and how much we eat mostly depends on hunger. Hunger is a psychological


Cataplexy: Diagnosis, Causes and Treatment

Cataplexy happens when solid emotions (like laughter, excitement, or anger) trigger sudden, brief strong weakness when you’re awake. It’s one of the main indications of narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is a persistent (long-lasting) sleep disorder that causes an urge to fall asleep

Positive Self Help

Strategies for Finding Joy in Solo Holidays Moments

Who doesn’t like to go on a vacation with family and friends? but at times one needs to make a hard choice. Whether it’s your decision or you’re emotionally or physically separated from family and friends, there are a few


Mental Health Issues in Cancer Patients During Treatment

Cancer diagnosis and the treatment that follows can be among the most severe challenges that face not only physical health but also mental wellness. The mental experience of the struggle with cancer is one capable of deep disappointment, causing anxiety,

Life Style

Sedentary Straits

Ever since the dawn of the pandemic and the lockdowns, people have been looking inward, figuratively, and quite literally. While the sudden hurdles that have knocked down billions of people around the globe need hardly be recounted, the toll that

Awareness Self Help

The Hoodie Culture: Fighting insecurities and vulnerabilities one hoodie at a time

In nearly a decade of working in schools, I’ve consistently observed how each year introduces new generational shifts in children of all ages. It’s intriguing to witness how every new generation brings forth its unique trends, behaviors, and values. While