Search Results for : psychotherapy
Positive Self Help

How to Deal with your Mental Health during major Life Transitions?

The only thing constant is change Life is not always a bed of roses. It takes us through an unexpected journey of turns. Some transitions are anticipated  (marriage or retirement), and others are abrupt and unexpected (loss of a loved


Understanding Bingeing and Purging: Causes, Effects, and Treatment

Bingeing and purging are usually associated with eating disorders, particularly bulimia nervosa. These behaviours can have intense physical, emotional, and psychological consequences; it is, therefore, important to understand them to help create awareness and empathy as well as treatment approaches.

Health Self Help

Managing Bipolar Disorder: Impact of Treatment Options

Mood swings are common in day-to-day living. But imagine having to lead a normal life amidst extreme mood swings. Exceptionally high energy levels characterize a manic phase. Then there comes an extremely depressing phase. For some these episodes alternate. How


Experiencing Self disgust: when the self feeds off self

“When I see myself, when I think about myself, I feel like shit. I am so disgusted with myself that I want to puke at myself or maybe even finish myself as I feel unbearable to myself……this me,  is just


Can One Be Friends with their Therapist?: Psychologist Speaks

The therapeutic relationship might be described as one of the most important factors in successful therapy for patients within the world of mental health. This process provides a safe, empathetic, and supportive atmosphere in which clients can share their thoughts,


Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment

Imagine that your life is a movie and nothing is real, you have no control over what you say or do. This is how people suffering from depersonalization-derealization disorder feel regularly. Let’s find out more about it.  What is Depersonalization-Derealization

Education Health

The use of Psychedelics in Mental Health treatment

Psychedelic drugs refer to psychoactive substances that induce hallucinations or have a profound impact on the user’s consciousness. The majority of the psychedelics were classified under the substance use disorder criteria as having no medicinal properties. Between the 1950s and


Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Phobias

Phobias are one of the most common mental disorders in India. The specific phobias can include fear of things or situations such as heights, enclosed, spaces, and social situations. This affects almost 4.2% of people in India. This may seem

Health Self Help

Adjustment Disorder: Types, Symptoms & Treatment

Change is never easy. Be it from small changes like getting a new haircut to moving to a new city, change is uncomfortable. So when there is a sudden unexpected change in your life, a big blow that you did


Schizoid Personality Disorder

Imagine you wake up one day and you are not able to connect emotionally with anyone, you do not feel any emotions that strongly, you feel you are detached from the entire world. What seems like a far-fetched imagination to us