Search Results for : phobia

Understanding Phobias and Overcoming Your Fears

Phobias are intense, persistent, and irrational fears of certain situations or objects. They can cause significant distress, interfering with an individual’s ability, and limiting their daily activities to function normally. They also have a significant impact on people’s mental health


Gamophobia (Fear of Commitment & Marriage)

What is Gamophobia Gamophobia, or the irrational dread or loathing of marriage or commitment, affects many people. While gamophobia may appear to be a minor issue, it can significantly impact a person’s quality of life and relationships. This post will

Awareness Health News

How to Cope with “Corona Phobia” Between the Rising Cases of Covid-19

Most people have temporary fear of coronavirus. While there are some who are overly afraid of its serious consequences. They prefer to avoid medical care, isolate themselves from others or weaken with fear. While others take over social media and

Awareness Health News

Know What Is Nyctophobia, How It Is Affecting the Mental Health of Adolescents

NYCTOPHOBIA Nycto – Night; Phobia- fear. As the name indicates, fear of dark or night is called Nyctophobia. Specifically, phobia is an ultimate condition of irrational belief in specific anxiety-provoking stimuli. Darkness is one of the reasons that provokes fear



Discrimination is a key cause of friction and disruption in cooperative partnerships that are increasingly essential in creating and sustaining sustainable development across cultural and national boundaries. As our society becomes more international, we witness more intense connections through commerce

Awareness Health


I find myself in a room. There is complete darkness around me with a faint light seeping in from…probably a hole in the wall. The 4 walls of the room though distant from me seem to close in on me;

Awareness Education

Homophobia during lockdown

COVID-19 has made our stay at home. Staying home is somewhat manageable to some but for some groups of people, it is like staying inside a cage. Some are dealing with corona fear, whereas homosexuals are dealing with the fear

Awareness Health

What Is The Psychology Behind Phobias?

Kanika is so scared of lizards that she suffered drastically because of it. She is so afraid of them that whenever she sees one, she starts shouting in fear and runs from the place in no time and because of



Nomophobia is the marked anxiety or fear of being without a mobile phone or being unable to see a mobile phone, or losing network or internet connectivity. The term Nomophobia includes: “no”, “mo” and “phobia”. It was given by a

Awareness Education

Mental Health of LGBTQIA+: The Challenges and Possible Solutions

LGBTQIA+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersexual, Asexual, and plus(+) shows that society is ready to accept the future identities which will be identified. Before the term “LGBT,” the vocabulary used to characterize this community was quite limiting,