Search Results for : panic

How Fear, Uncertainty, and Trust Shape Buying Behavior in Crises

The interplay of fear, uncertainty, and trust significantly influences consumer purchasing behaviour, especially during crises. A classic modern example of this remains the  COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding these psychological factors can provide insights into how and why individuals respond the way


PANDAS Syndrome

PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal infections) affects children with scarlet fever or strep throat and tends to develop the symptoms of this disorder. Furthermore, genetic predisposition or recurrent infections might contribute to its pathology. Studies have displayed


Into the Fever Dream World

Have you ever fallen sick and had an unusually odd dream? Was it so weird and frightening that you remember it even after years? Did you wake up in a completely confused state only to find your body still burning with


The Psychology of Solitary Confinement

When I say, “The third week of March 2020”, what do you remember? The Lockdown, right? Imagine you lived separately from your family for work and had to manage the lockdown all alone. The first few months felt relaxing and


Pica: The Compulsion to Eat Non-food Items

Pica is an eating disorder characterized by the compulsive consumption of non-food items. This condition occurs across different demographics, most notably in children and pregnant mothers. Apart from its negative health impact it also has dangerous implications on the well-being


10 Traits of Introverted Leaders, According to Psychology

What comes in front of your eyes when you hear the word ‘LEADER’?   A strong, assertive and outspoken person standing in front of thousands of people and  giving a speech. This is the common image of a leader that has been


Calm Your Nerves: Dietary Changes for Reducing Anxiety

Anxious about your upcoming exams? Oh, that’s fine. You’ll do well. Is your mother sick? So you’re afraid something might happen to her? Don’t worry. Things will get better. Worried that you might be late for your first interview if

Awareness Self Help

Misophonia: Understanding and Treating Sound Sensitivity Disorder

The Misophonia is also described as a word “hatred of sound” and is like more than just a dislike for such certain noises. It is a neurological disorder, and It affects everyday activities and may trigger intense emotional or psychological

Awareness Self Help

Socio-Cultural Differences in Child’s Environment and its Effect on Child-Rearing Practices and Development

Culture is defined as “the totality of socially transmitted behaviour patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions and all other human work and thought characteristic of a community or peculiar to a society or class”. It is the total of the attainment and


10 Subtle Signs You Are Excellent in Decision-making, According to Psychology

From the second we open our eyes to the moment we close our eyes again for the day. From that five-minute snooze break in the morning to deciding on a topic for an essay/project. We are making several small and