Search Results for : mental health disorders

World Mental Health Day 2024

Life is Beautiful, Just be Mindful Vivek Agarwal, Executive Editor at Psychologs | Professor and Psychiatrist, King George’s Medical University It’s Mental Health Day, and if you use Social Media, you must have probably seen a hundred videos and posts


Maintaining Mental Health While Coping with Chronic Illness

Whenever you have a fever and you’re completely down physically, you become mentally weak too. Have you noticed this? If maintaining good mental health is tough when you’ve fallen sick with just flu, imagine the plight while suffering from chronic


Understanding The Stigma That Surrounds Mental Health

– A middle-aged woman revealed she hasn’t even told her husband that she has intrusive​​ thoughts that their son will die because he once called her “crazy”. The father of a 19-year-old with Body Dysmorphic Disorder expressed how he feels


Long-Term Effects of Childhood Neglect on Adult Mental Health

Childhood is a crucial time when emotional, psychological, and social well-being is shaped for the future. Many challenges can affect a child’s development, and one of the most harmful forms of abuse is neglect. Unlike physical abuse, which often leaves

Awareness Health

The Rise of AI in Mental Health: Benefits and Hurdles

In the last two years, interest in AI therapy has increased, and with that, experts have come to the front to discuss its merits and demerits. As we get to learn more about artificial intelligence, particularly how it applies to

Awareness Health

Urban Noise Pollution: Effects on Mental Health and Well-Being

Life in a city has both pros and cons, it provides efficiency as well as negatively impacts on mental health of people. On the one hand, it offers plenty of job opportunities, loaded with entertainment, and lots to explore. On


Should you Quit your Job for your Mental Health Reasons? : Psychologist Speaks

I am sure any and every person who has ever faced any form of mental health issues in their lifetime, has come across this question at least once – “should I quit my job?”. Nevertheless, this question is reinforced by

Education Health

The use of Psychedelics in Mental Health treatment

Psychedelic drugs refer to psychoactive substances that induce hallucinations or have a profound impact on the user’s consciousness. The majority of the psychedelics were classified under the substance use disorder criteria as having no medicinal properties. Between the 1950s and


Orthorexia Nervosa: The Obsession with ‘Healthy’ Eating

Eating healthy is a goal that most of us would like to achieve, it’s a pathway to a better lifestyle and an answer to many of our health-related problems. A healthy diet is often synonymous with a healthier and happier


Understanding and Managing the Impact of Sleep Debt on Health

The concept of sleep debt fits within a fast-moving, modern context. It refers to the difference between the amount of sleep a person needs and the amount he or she obtains. Sleep debt builds up over time when one continuously