Search Results for : mental health benefits

Benefits of Dancing On Mental Health

Imagine living in a society where feelings could be communicated through the rhythm of your body rather than by using words. In the transforming world of dance, where movement takes on a language of its own, releasing emotions and restoring

Self Help

Does Trekking Influence your Mental Health? 

Trekking, also termed hiking, has become one of the most popular activities spent outdoors. It includes walking or hiking in natural settings such as mountainous or wilderness areas. Other than having very significant health benefits concerning the physical aspect of

Positive Self Help

How to Deal with your Mental Health during major Life Transitions?

The only thing constant is change Life is not always a bed of roses. It takes us through an unexpected journey of turns. Some transitions are anticipated  (marriage or retirement), and others are abrupt and unexpected (loss of a loved


How Flexible Work Hours Can Improve Mental Health

Imagine a workplace where you are no longer constantly exhausted from the inflexible 9 to 5 schedule and your productivity is not defined by the clock. Flexible hours offer an individual the freedom to align their personal and professional life

Awareness Self Help

How Unexpected Positive Events Influence Happiness and Mental Health

There is a strong relationship between happiness and mental health. It is well-accepted that unexpected positive events are important indicators of healthy well-being. Such events may be trivial day-to-day activities to something out of the ordinary, but one’s feelings can

Awareness Health

How Does Menopause Affect Mental Health: Psychologist Speaks

Menopause is a big event in a woman’s life; it presupposes the end of her reproductive age. The hallmark of this status is no menstrual bleeding for a continuous period of 12 months. It usually happens between the ages of

Awareness Self Help

The Impact of Digital Overuse and the Benefits of a Tech Detox

From morning to evening, Sunday to Saturday, the whole year, we spend most of the time with our mobile phone, laptop, Television, or monitor. Can you tell a whole day, you spend with your surroundings, family, friends, or nature? We

Education Health

The use of Psychedelics in Mental Health treatment

Psychedelic drugs refer to psychoactive substances that induce hallucinations or have a profound impact on the user’s consciousness. The majority of the psychedelics were classified under the substance use disorder criteria as having no medicinal properties. Between the 1950s and


From Stigma to Support: The Role of NGOs in Mental Health Advocacy

Remember Deepika Padukone’s heartbreaking interaction with media when she spoke about her mental health? The stigma surrounding around it, the lack of helping hands, and the ignorance of such an important issue- are some of the major topics she touched

Awareness Education

Mental Health and Satisfaction in Tribal Communities: A Contradictory Story of Resilience

The way people perceive, respond to, and adjust to the challenges of life are all influenced by their mental health, which is a crucial component of overall well-being. Today, maintaining good mental health is a huge struggle for many different