Search Results for : memory

Contextual Integration and Event Boundaries in Human Memory Systems

Each event in daily life is made up of a series of unfolding experiences that are arranged according to changes in context. How to integrate successive instances within events while preserving their details and preventing over-integration across diverse contexts is


Sleep breathing affects memory processing: Research

Researchers between breathing, memory, and the appearance of specific brain activity patterns have found a connection when an individual sleeps. Researchers at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat (LMU) Munchen, the University of Oxford, and the Max Plank Institute for Human Development have studied the


10 Brain Foods That Improve Memory

Diet plays a vital part in brain health and cognitive function. Numerous studies recommend that diet plays an imperative part in improving cognitive capacities. A balanced diet is vital, and although there are popular commercial diets for fast weight loss,

Life Style

The Psychology of Memory mastery: How to remember everything you learn

The ability of the mind to encode, store, and retrieve information when needed is known as memory. It is the process of holding onto knowledge across time in order to shape behaviour in the future. It would be difficult for


Memory Loss and Its Impact on People

Do you find it difficult to recall things? Some people lose track of names they have recently learned or where they left the keys. Is forgetting normal or is there really something to be concerned about? Imagine your mind as

Self Help

Psychology of False Memory Syndrome

The term False Memory Syndrome (FMS) is a controversial term that first appeared to characterize an unresolved psychological phenomenon in the 1990s and was widely popular among the US population due to the result of recovered memory therapy. It refers


The Psychology Behind Memory Distortion

Memory is a significant aspect of our mental functioning. It shapes our experiences and influences our perception of past time. From the first day of school to our last day at our workplace, everything is stored in our minds like

Self Help

Playing Chess can Boost Memory and Mental health

The Game of Kings, chess, has long been a source of intellectual fascination and is now more than just a pastime. As we celebrate International Chess Day on July 20, it is an ideal moment to recognize the benefits of


Photographic Memory and Its Positive and negative influences

All of us remember many things in our lives which have so far happened, not all of them but yes, we do remember. However, these memories can be playing with our childhood friends, winning a prize in a competition for


Exercise May Help Improve Working Memory in People with Depression

All of us have heard since the beginning of time that exercise and physical fitness is good for us. It can improve physical health, boost mood, reduce stress, and whatnot. Well, guess what! Research has found that exercise can also