Search Results for : memories

Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment

Imagine that your life is a movie and nothing is real, you have no control over what you say or do. This is how people suffering from depersonalization-derealization disorder feel regularly. Let’s find out more about it.  What is Depersonalization-Derealization


Cultural Impact on Colour Perception: Why It Matters

Looking at a black-and-white photograph immediately gives you a retro feel. A red colour signal spikes a feeling of danger. Greenery calms your mind. Have you ever wondered how a colour can immediately evoke a particular emotion? And, does a


Passive Aggressive Behaviour in the Workplace

We have all gotten at least one infuriating backhanded compliment in our lives. The sarcastic snicker as they look at their friends before turning to you. The obvious disrespect that they did not even try to hide. We have all

Self Help

How to identify your Emotions when you’re Depressed

Depression can be thought of as a heavy fog within your mind that blocks out everything from view and obscures how one will feel.It’s often a mix of sadness and numbness, making it hard to describe exactly what you’re feeling.


What is Free Association?

We all have problems, and life isn’t same for all. The intensity and severity of problems ranges from a daily to-do list of tasks that are racing through our minds or a massive problem gnawing away at us all the


The Interpretations of Dreams by Sigmund Freud

Do you remember what you dreamed about last night? Or did you sleep through the entire night without dreaming? If you had a dream, was it pleasant or unpleasant? Dreams feel like a blur between what is real and unreal.


Incorporating Storytelling in Education

One of the earliest forms of communication is storytelling. Many communities and civilisations have used storytelling as a tool to pass down knowledge and traditions from one generation to others. In many communities, storytelling is still used as a major


10 Traits of Introverted Leaders, According to Psychology

What comes in front of your eyes when you hear the word ‘LEADER’?   A strong, assertive and outspoken person standing in front of thousands of people and  giving a speech. This is the common image of a leader that has been

Positive Self Help

50 Conversation Starters to Fill Awkward Silences

But mastering the social game sometimes proves to be very difficult, especially when those awkward silences occur. Though these minutes can be truly awkward, they give excellent opportunities to bond on a deeper level and find new subjects. So here


Psychology of Sibling Relationships: Understanding Their Impact

Do you have any siblings or are you an only child? Have you ever wished you had siblings or didn’t have them? There probably were days when the grass seemed greener on the other side. Despite all the challenges and