Search Results for : intelligence

Navigating Fluid and Crystallised Intelligence

Navigating Fluid and Crystallised Intelligence Intelligence is a word so vague that it essentially captures all the phenomena that psychology concerns itself with. Dazinger Did you know? Intelligence, as a term, wasn’t explained as a psychological concept until the 1920s.


Intelligence Quotient vs. Emotional Quotient: Definition, Comparison and Variations

EQ or say Emotional Quotient, refers to someone’s capacity to recognize his/her emotions in relation to the opposite individual’s feelings, whereas IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient suggests a person’s intelligence stage. IQ is quite a number that indicates a person’s

Self Help

How Bad Memories Can Affect Our Intelligence: Exploring the Psychological Impact

Everyone must have gone through something in their lifetime or currently through some kind of experience that they wished had never happened. That experience tends to become an integral part of our memory which, unfortunately, is not easy to forget

Self Help

Emotional Intelligence, the Effects and the Difference between IQ and EQ

We all know about IQ, which is the intelligence quotient, but intelligence is not only about academics, or perfect scores in tests, etc. There is also a type of intelligence which is known as emotional intelligence. What exactly is this


Artificial Intelligence and Alzheimer’s Disease Early Detection: Study

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that impacts millions of people around the world. Around 50 million individuals worldwide suffer from dementia, with Alzheimer’s being the most common cause, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). A steady deterioration

Self Help

How Emotional Intelligence Plays an important role in Your Life

Have you ever been told that you lack empathy? Do you find yourself blaming others for everything that happens to you? Has anyone ever told you that you have poor coping skills, often turn conversations towards yourself, and have certain


The Multifaceted Mind: Understanding Theories of Intelligence

Intelligence is a complex and multifaceted concept that has intrigued thinkers, scientists, and philosophers for centuries. It is subjective in nature as different people have their own interpretation of what they consider smart, brainy, or intelligent. Various debates and discussions

Health News Therapy

Artificial intelligence –(AI) can be helpful in detecting mental diseases

A recent study by Georgia State University’s TReNDS Center may help in early detection of mental illnesses. A team of scientists from Georgia State developed a comprehensive computer programme that was able to screen through enormous volumes of brain imaging


Emotional Intelligence: Improve the Quality of Daily Life

The term Emotional Intelligence which was initially was coined by psychologists Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer refers “to a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among

Awareness Self Help

The Psychology Behind Self-Sabotaging

It is puzzling to imagine why anyone knowingly prevents themselves from achieving self-set goals. The tendency to self-sabotage seems irrational, yet most of us consciously or unconsciously engage in it. Think about the times when the fear of failure led