Search Results for : domestic abuse

Domestic violence and its far-reaching impact and influence

Whether talked about or not, domestic violence is prevalent in a lot of households. In some households, it may manifest in a subtle way whereas in a few it might take more radical forms. Whether it takes place in a


What children feel when witnessing domestic violence?

Witnessing domestic violence can have a tremendous negative impact on the emotional well-being of children. Domestic violence causes immense psychological and emotional trauma in children. It creates a hostile environment that is unpredictable and is full of fear and anxiety.

Self Help

Why it is okay to be Sad.

Agony, anguish, broken hearts, hurt, sorrow, dejection, dismay, homesickness, distress, and dissatisfaction, are some of the terms we use to describe the emotion of sadness. Any of these feelings might be a reaction to unfavourable or unexpected circumstances or changes


Hidden crisis of forced separation between human & their pet: Study

A recent study highlights the psychological as well as safety effects caused by the forced separation of individuals from their companion pets during emergencies such as domestic abuse & national disasters. The study emphasizes that how strongly individuals feel about


Postpartum Depression: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Baby blues is a term used to describe the temporary feelings of sadness, anxiety, or exhaustion that some women have after giving birth. For many women, the baby blues subside in a matter of days. If these feelings don’t go


Rising Crime against Women: Understanding the Traumatic Impact on Mental Health

In recent times, the world has witnessed an alarming increase in the rate of crime against women. Whether it is in terms of domestic abuse, sexual or physical assault, harassment, eve-teasing, gender discrimination, or crimes committed to communal violence, such


London Police Will Not Attend the Mental Health Calls 

In the past five years, Britain has seen a rise in mental health cases. People have frequently observed that phoning the London Police is the initial step in dealing with a mental health issue. Many have stated that this might

Health News Social

Understanding The Submerged Mental Health Trauma of Indian Housewives

In spite of us living in the 21st century, women of our country that constitute about half of the population still face several issues and oppression in their day-to-day lives. The Indian woman is generally seen or expected to be

Health News Social

How Workplace Trauma Harmful to Mental Wellbeing

Meaning of Trauma  Trauma can be stated as an individual’s emotional response to a negative event. A negative event can be a death of a loved one, accidents, headache, nausea, difficulties, issues in relationships with family members or partners,s, etc. The


People’s life in Chennai is being hijacked by gambling.

The year began with news of a family’s murder-suicide in Chennai, when the remains of a 36-year-old bank employee, who had murdered his wife and two children before hanging himself, were discovered on January 2. According to police accounts, rising