Search Results for : disorder

Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD): Symptoms, Treatment and Diagnosis

A skewed sense of self and extreme, erratic emotions are symptoms of histrionic personality disorder (HPD). One definition of histrionic is “dramatic or theatrical”. “Individuals suffering with histrionic personality disorder have an inflated sense of self-worth that is based on


Understanding Pica Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Remember those moments from childhood when we sometimes explored by tasting things like mud or dirt? While it’s common for children to be curious and occasionally try non-food items, some people develop an overwhelming and persistent urge to eat these


Study Reveals Online ‘Echo Chambers’ Amplify Harmful Eating Disorder Content

A recent study was conducted based on the idea of “how online echo chambers, particularly around topics like pro-anorexia, intensify exposure to toxic content, with users seldom encountering differing viewpoints”. In this study, machine learning was used by the researchers for


The Depths of Major Depressive Disorder: A Journey through Darkness

It is important to first understand what is depression before discussing and talking about MDD (Major Depressive Disorder) which is a very serious type of depression. It is very common for people to say that they are feeling depressed, but,


“Everybody likes me”: 20 Yrs old Students diagnosed with Delusional Love Disorder

The story of a 20 years old student has gone viral on mainland social media. He is known as Liu, a resident of Jiangsu province, Eastern China. Liu, the second year student of China University has been diagnosed with “Delusional


Attachment Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

We all sometimes face difficulty when it comes to making and maintaining certain relationships. It could be because of a conflict that we were unable to resolve, or it could be a simple incompatibility between two people. However, when we


What is Schizotypal Personality Disorder?

People with schizotypal personality disorder are frequently considered as weird or quirky, and they typically have few intimate connections. They have difficulty in understanding how the connections are formed and how relationships exists. They may also misread others’ goals and acts,


Study: Prenatal Depression linked to Premenstrual disorders

Perinatal depression is a mood disorder that occurs during pregnancy and after childbirth. In rare cases, the symptoms are severe enough that a mother and her baby’s health and well-being may be at risk. Read More: Understanding and Preventing Perinatal


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Types, Causes and Treatment

Be it a celebrity or an ordinary person, we often find people around us saying that they have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder because they like their surroundings clean and organized. This is because of the lack of awareness that people have OCD

Awareness Self Help

Are You Aware? Symptoms That Could Signal a Personality Disorder

Personality is essential, To define who we are as people. It encompasses a special combination of characteristics, such as attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours, as well as how we show these characteristics in the relationships we have with other people and