Search Results for : defence mechanism

Are You Dealing with a Megalomaniac? 

Etymologically the word megalomaniac has its roots in the Greek word megalo- which means “large”, it is used to refer to a person who is megalomaniacal or has a mental disorder marked by feelings of personal greatness. We have heard

Life Style Self Help

“From being peaceful to into pieces”: The Inner Journey of a People-Pleaser

“Yes, I am sincere and honest.”; responded Richa and her father shook his head and said, “No, you are not.” Richa is 38 years old and works as a senior nurse in a private hospital. She stays with her husband


A Guide to Trauma Response

In this context, the term “trauma” refers to occurrences that elicit powerful physiological and emotional reactions. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Trauma and Justice Strategic Initiative, trauma happens when a person undergoes an emotionally

Life Style

How to Handle Defensive People

Defensiveness often comes with two aspects: an emotion and an action. It usually arises when you think someone is criticising you and leaves you feeling angry, depressed, and ashamed. Typically, the emotion leads to a reaction in the form of

Self Help

Self Punishment and Self Love

Self-love and self-punishment are two sides of the same coin that somewhere shape our relationship with ourselves. On one hand, self-love fosters growth, acceptance and compassion, self-punishment on the other hand leads to negative self-talk, low self-esteem, and self-harming behaviour.

Awareness Education

Generalized Anxiety Disorder(GAD): From Overwhelm to Overcome

Have you ever felt that you always worry about anything and everything? Do you find yourself always waiting for something bad to happen? If you answered yes to both questions, you might be suffering from a type of anxiety disorder

Awareness Self Help

Shadow Unveiled: Embracing the Hidden Aspects of Self

Just like a coin has two sides, humans also have both positive and negative tendencies. Typically, we wear our positive personas (or masks) and reveal only this side to the world. However, there is another persona, what Jungian psychoanalysts call


The Psychology behind Transitioning from Student life to the Professional world

A crucial stage in a person’s life occurs when they move from being a student to a professional, which involves a variety of psychological adjustments and problems. This essay explores the psychology of the shift from college to the working

Life Style

Why Liars Are Less Attractive

Individuals might have quite different opinions about who is attractive, and personal tastes are a major factor. On the other hand, some research indicates that being trustworthy and honest are often regarded as desirable qualities in a partner and can


Sigmund Freud’s 5 Most Important Contributions to Psychology

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was an Austrian neurologist and psychologist, best known for being the founder of psychoanalysis. Although his theories about the human mind and therapeutic techniques for treating mental disorders are extremely controversial and contested by many later psychologists,