Search Results for : autism

Virtual Autism: Too much screen time harmful for Child

In the era of digitalization, technology has become a very vital part of our life. Every member of each house seems to have their own gadgets be it mobile phones, tablets and even laptops. The technology or digital dependence has


Frequently Asked Questions About Autism Spectrum Disorder

1. What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is often diagnosed in the first three years of life. Parents are generally worried when their kid exhibits delays in speech development, limited social relatedness, and limited interests


Autism Spectrum Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, Types and Treatment

Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism Spectrum disorder, commonly shortened to just Autism, is a neurological disorder that affects a person’s ability to interact with others, communicate, learn, and behave. Although it can be diagnosed at any age, it is categorised as


Changing Severity of Autism Symptoms Linked to Mental Health Problems: Study

When co-occurring mental health issues start to manifest in middle childhood, the severity of many autistic children’s core symptoms alters. Researchers at UC Davis Health have discovered new information about the link between middle childhoodmental health and characteristics of autism


Can People With Autism Form Romantic Connections?

If you have a partner with Autism, have you encountered blunt remarks that hurt feelings, felt frustrated due to the fixed routine of your partner, and felt loved when they notice minute things about you? If you are a person

Awareness Health

What is Spectrum of Autism: Levels of Required Support

Overview: Autism is a difference in the neurodevelopmental functioning of an individual that is identified by social interaction styles, and atypical behaviors. The amount of support an autistic individual requires is essential to understand, and for the same knowledge, the

Health News Research

Questioning the Evidence of Autism Interventions: The Right Foot Forward

Professor Andrew Whitehouse, Head of the Autism Research Team at Telethon Kids Institute and Director of CliniKids and his colleagues reported that few autism interventions used in the clinic are backed by solid evidence in 2020, but the complaints against


Life with Autism

Imagine a day in life when everything seems so hazy, meeting people becomesso weird that when they joke around you, and there are you, unable to make it out what itmeans and everything becomes so slow and dumb. Unfortunately, it

Awareness Education Health

Using punishment as an intervention for temper-tantrums in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Because many children with autism are unable to communicate in acceptable manners, it is quite likely that they may throw tantrums or act out their stress, anxiety, and confusion. As a matter of treating these temper tantrums, using punishment to

Awareness Health

Modern interventions for the treatment of Autism Spectrum disorder

There has been witnessed an upsurge in the number of autism cases all over the world. Research studies have revealed that 80% of the causes behind autism have been linked to the genetic makeup of an individual and that 20%