Search Results for : anger
Self Help

8 Tips to Control Anger in Children

Anger is a very natural emotion experienced by everyone including children. It is one of the seven core emotions which we have since birth. But when it is uncontrolled it can pose a serious risk to themselves and others, including


Toilet Scrolling: What are the mental and physicals health dangers?

The bathroom is the one place in the house where we can truly be alone without being bothered. You may unwind in your bedroom, of course, but there’s something about the bathroom that makes us feel genuinely alone. Thus, toilet


Study: Excessive smartphone use may put teens’ mental health in danger

A huge number of youth engage in extreme Smartphone use, which results in mental health risks. A new study warns that teenagers who use Smartphones more than four hours a day put their health at “serious” risk. Teenagers nowadays use

Life Style

Therapy Speak: Dangers and Effects

Language that can be traced back to the world of psychology has always been a part of the common lingo. Terms like ‘repression’, ‘slip of the tongue’, and ‘inner child’ all stem from the work of Freud. However, over the

Self Help

10 Proven Ways for Anger Management

Anger management is never synonymous with giving up the emotion of anger or entirely deleting the emotion from one’s life situation. Rather, managing anger involves a systematic learning journey that aids us to recognize our triggers, cope with our feelings

Crime Technology

The Dangerous Reality of the Dark Web

In today’s world, the internet has become a need, a platform where information is exchanged globally through this network. The internet is becoming more complicated day by day, containing a wide range of information that is beyond our imagination. Because

Awareness Education Health

How To Confront Your Anger And Cultivate Emotional Stability

The rise in technology and access to knowledge in the last few decades is apparent in the kind of appliances being used: Smartphones, Smartwatches, smart TVs, and so on. This prefix of Smart puts information about anything and everything with

Self Help

How to Control Anger in Critical Situations?

Whenever an individual is encountered by any kind of irritable, unpleasurable and discomforting situation a specific kind of emotion is shown by them. One can name this emotion as Anger. Anger is a normal or healthy emotion. It is a


Doppelgangers: The Fascinating World of Look-Alikes!

Have you ever daydreamed about the possibility of coming face-to-face with someone who is your spitting image? Imagine meeting a person so strikingly similar to you that people could easily mistake you for twins. Well, get ready to immerse yourself


8 Effective Ways to Initiate a Conversation with Strangers

As children, we used to hear from our parents to “be away from strangers”. As we grew up, as adults, it changed from avoiding strangers to talking to strangers daily. This overwhelming feeling to approach someone without making it awkward