Search Results for : abusive relationships

Gaslighting: A Hidden Emotional Abuse in a Need for Attention

The 1938 play and film Gaslight, in which a husband tricks his wife into believing she has a mental condition by shutting down their gas lights and telling her she is hallucinating, is where the word “gaslighting” originated. A common


How Fake Emotions Are used For Manipulation?

Emotion is a multifaceted experience of awareness, physical feeling, and action that expresses how something, an occasion, or a situation personally affects the individual. All the sentiments that impact men’s assessments and are accompanied by either pleasure or misery are

Awareness Education Health Social

Let’s know about Battered Woman Syndrome: A New form of violence

Battered Woman Syndrome is a pattern of signs and symptoms exhibited by a woman who has suffered ongoing intimate partner violence: whether psychological, physical, or sexual. This is classified as a syndrome in ICD whereas DSM does not recognize it


Revisiting a Mother – Daughter Relationship

Nurturing a healthy relationship between mothers and adult daughters People typically see the mother-daughter bond as the pinnacle of unselfish love, devotion, and respect. They see it as being universally holy. Across cultures, people revere this relationship and place it

Awareness Health News

How Forced Pregnancy Effect Women’s Mental Health

Abortions have long been a contentious issue. The majority of individuals believe that abortion causes physical suffering as well as long-term emotional distress such as sadness, worry, guilt, and shame, rather than relief. Most people, however, are unaware that refusing

Awareness Relationship

Domestic Violence: The Hushed Pandemic

She was born into this world with a lot of dreams and expectations. While she was growing up-studying, cooking, cleaning, getting married, obeying her husband were some of the things expected of her. She got married at the age of


Is Attachment style can shape your Adulthood

Attachment theory is given by John Bowlby which identifies four types of attachment styles. According to which there exists a psychological model attempting to describe the dynamics of long term and short term personal relationships between humans. The way one

Awareness Self Help

Why it’s Important to have High Self-Esteem 

Self-esteem is a judgment or evaluation of our sense of self-worth and value. It includes how we feel about ourselves, our abilities, achievements, and qualities, and how we compare ourselves to other people and the people around us. According to


The Psychology behind Job Insecurity

Job insecurity refers to a prevalent emotional state that encompasses the feeling of uncertainty and anxiety surrounding one’s employment. It manifests as a constant worry about the stability of one’s job, leading to stress about the possibility of being laid

Awareness Health

How Childhood Experiences Affect Mental Health

The human brain is the most impressionable during its developmental stages. While we are in the early years of our life we are developing biologically, psychologically and socially through internal and external processes and experiences. What makes up these experiences