Search Results for : Behaviors
Self Help

What happens when you quit drinking alcohol?

“When I close the door on alcohol, I open a window to the  best version of myself.” It is an act of courage that allows a person to break free from the addictive relationship and create a life full of


Decoding Dreams of the Dead Through Science and Spirit

Death is a concept widely studied yet has no clear answer to it. We are always told that if someone is born, they also must die someday. Meanwhile, there are studies and countless research to know how to live forever


We are indeed what we think!

In this modern world there is no running away from social media. Social media has a role to play in modern day lifestyles of all human beings. One of the concern is anyone can be an expert on anything; whether they


Psychology behind Reckless Driving

“Speed thrills but kills”—a phrase we often hear, yet the allure of reckless driving persists despite the known dangers. Every year, reckless driving results in thousands of deaths and injuries worldwide. This article explores why people continue to engage in


Psychopaths and Their Eyes: What Do They Reveal?

We always look into the eyes of the person we are meeting for the first time. As they say, “the eyes are the windows to the soul”; you can always tell something about the person just by looking into their


How Fear, Uncertainty, and Trust Shape Buying Behavior in Crises

The interplay of fear, uncertainty, and trust significantly influences consumer purchasing behaviour, especially during crises. A classic modern example of this remains the  COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding these psychological factors can provide insights into how and why individuals respond the way


Psychology behind Obedience

Are you someone who loves to follow the rules or someone who thinks rules confine us? We all live in the society where everything has rules. From the moment you wake up till the time we sleep, we are obliged


Healing your Mother Wound

Children who feel safe and loved are naturally curious and engage in exploration, play, and growth. Meanwhile those who face physical, mental, or emotional abuse spend their energies toward mere survival. For these children, healing becomes a crucial step in


Dopamine Addiction 

Have you ever reached for your phone without thinking about it, like a compulsion, or scrolling mindlessly through social media for hours? You’re not alone. According to Dr Anna Lembke, “We are seeing a huge explosion, in the numbers of


Is Gambling Evil?: Understanding Gambling Disorder and its Causes

Heywood Broun, a sharp-witted American journalist, once said, “The urge to gamble is so universal, and its practice so pleasurable, that I assume it must be evil.” This statement encapsulates a powerful truth: the irresistible urge to gamble is a