Search Results for : stress

The Relation Between Your Stress and Gut

Stress is an invincible part of our life. While a little bit of stress is important for our growth, too much of it can harm both our mental and physical health. Have you ever experienced indigestion after a stressful episode?


Eustress vs. Distress: The Fine Line Between Motivation and Overwhelm

In this Particular Article, You will learn about the flip sides of stress in our daily life, Eustress and Destress and learn what you need and how to balance your life with both. Stress is inevitable! It’s a part of


Stress from pre-board exams among students: how to minimize exam stress?

Class 12th Board exams 2024 will begin from February 15 which continues till April 02, 2024 will be held by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). CBSE is a national-level educational board in India. It runs under the Union


How does social media materialism bring both stress and unhappiness?

The researchers from the Faculty of Psychology at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany acquired a total number of 1,230 people for the online survey. Participants were asked to make a use of any one social media platform once a week in


How to Deal With Family Stress?

Family stress can take place when there are more stressors disturbing family members than one can handle which impacts their relationship to some extent. When close ones cause the stress, it feels more personal and hurts more compared to general


Cancer and Stress

Stress, which is another name for psychological stress, is the state that people go through when they are under emotional, bodily, or mental strain. People’s everyday duties and routines, such as those related to jobs, family, and finances, can give

Education Health

General Adaptation Syndrome: How Your Body Responds to Stress

In modern-day lives, stress is an unwanted friend that accompanies us everywhere. From competitive school environments and peer dynamics for kids, to adulting responsibilities, relationships, and work for grown-ups, stressors are omnipresent in our lives. While it may be impossible


Psychology Behind Holiday Stress

As Christmas and New Year week are approaching, many of us already have planned to go out during these holiday weekends. We have daydreaming about our vacations as the burden and tension start decreasing. Moreover, it led to reduced stress


Mindfulness and humor can facilitate Psychological well-being and reduce stress

After COVID, mental health and well-being are coming up as a focus of interest in many research studies. People are talking openly about problems they are facing and are ready to seek external help. Interestingly, a recent study was conducted


Caregiving is stressful and also a risk factor for depression: Study

Being a caregiver to an aging parent or spouse can cause stress, but a new study done by researchers at the University of Texas at Austin questions the idea that family caregiving can also be a risk factor for depression.