Search Results for : relationship

Psychologists’ insights on Imposter syndrome and Relationships

Around 70% of people have struggled with imposter syndrome at some point in their life. With increasing prominence, it is essential to understand its meaning and what are the ways that help in dealing with it, especially in relationships. What


Couple Counselling: Navigating Challenges and Strengthening Relationship

Couple counselling plays a crucial role in addressing unique relationship challenges, such as when a woman decides to divorce her husband because he seems “too perfect.” These situations highlight the underlying complexities that can arise in the relationship, often stemming


How ADHD can Impact your Relationship and How you can (still) Work it out

Having a fulfilling relationship is a bit of a challenge for every person but maintaining a relationship with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is exceptionally difficult. Symptoms include lack of attention, inability to focus, extreme impatience, impulsiveness,  frequent mood swings,


Mastering Effective Communication: Building Trust and Strong Relationships

Effective communication is a two-way method wherein you want to make certain that the alternate information is apparent and complete. It isn’t always just the trade of information and messages, however, the concept is to efficiently deliver the intention and

Positive Relationship

The Psychology Behind Interpersonal Relationships

Humans are social animals. The relationships humans share with others are essential for our social, emotional, and physical health. Knowing how to sustain interpersonal relationships will help us in creating a support system, providing strength and courage in turn to


Emotional Validation as a tool to improve Relationship

Emotional Validation is an approach where a person can understand and accept another person’s feelings. When somebody gets emotional validation they get the freedom to experience and express their emotions.  Studies have found that lack of an appropriate amount of


Psychology Behind Commitment in Relationships

Commitment is a frequently used word, especially in the context of relationships. But the relationships need not necessarily be platonic or romantic. These serve as the very foundation of every relationship. John Michael, a Professor of Psychology, says, “Commitment is


The 5 Anger Languages in Relationship

Anger is a human emotion that comes out when a person feels betrayed, harmed or disrespected. According to Charles Spielberger, Anger is “an emotional state that varies from mild irritation to intense rage.”  When two people love each other they


Study Reveals Complex Relationship Between Failure and Learning

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and Clark University conducted a new study that was published in the Strategic Management Journal, funded by the  Center for Organizational Learning, Innovation and Knowledge at the Tepper School. The research aimed to assess the relationship

Self Help

Constructive Criticism: Building Better Relationships

Constructive criticism is feedback that is meant to improve something, and it is delivered in a useful and respectful way. It is an important tool for personal and professional development. Unlike poor criticism, which only focuses on identifying mistakes and