Search Results for : mood

Mood Disorders in the Modern World

A persistent internal emotion that interferes with a person’s daily activities and that they must endure is referred to as their mood. Mood disorders are explained by marked emotional disruptions that include extremely high and low emotional episodes. As per

Self Help

Why not go for the head ? : Mood Freezing

With the new work from home trend and the changing lives in the corona time, the only constant emotion felt by us sapiens after fear is ‘Anger’. Losing the hashtag life trend of clubbing late at night to the banana

Awareness Health

Know About the Mood Disorders and Its Impact on Our Mental Health

Mood disorders are those mental health disorders that majorly impact the emotional well-being of an individual. These disorder impact for a long duration and deals with severe forms of expression of both happiness and sadness. Mood changes are normal in

Awareness Motivation Positive Relationship Social

How can you cheer your friend or a loved one who is having a bad mood or a bad day?

The question is very straight but its answer can vary. Human life is full of ups and downs and human life can simply be symbolized by the sea-waves that represent the turmoil of human misery (swings in human life). The


Seasonal Affective Disorder: Understanding how the weather affects our mood

Ever felt angrier than usual when the temperature soars? Or perhaps gloomy when the sky was pouring down? There are countless articles available in the research field which point toward a strong role of the weather in influencing our mood.


Dual Process Theory and Its Impact on Thinking

Every day we are making decisions, some thoughtlessly: what to eat for breakfast; others deliberatively: how to plan a career move. But how do the brains work when it comes to the different kinds of decisions? There is an answer


Unipolar Depression: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Unipolar depression, also called Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), is one of the most prevalent and serious mood disorders in the world. A significant depression progresses into pervasive sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest or pleasure in activities enjoyed once. Depression affects

Awareness Health

6 Things People Get Wrong About Depression

“I can slip in and out of Depression quite easily”  -Adele, 2016 She did mention this quote in a different context, but it is important to know the context and make a judgment. Let us forget the context of when

Awareness Health

Understanding and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: A Comprehensive Guide

Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon characterized by persistent feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy despite evident success or accomplishments. Individuals experiencing imposter syndrome often dismiss their achievements as luck or attribute them to external factors rather than acknowledging their own

Awareness Health

Avoidant Personality Disorder

Avoidant Personality Disorder is a type of personality disorder that is characterised by the persistent pattern of extreme social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and a heightened sense of negative evaluation or rejection from people. People with Avoidant Personality Disorder tend