Search Results for : psychology
Awareness Health


PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT OF COVID-19   Abstract: The following essay dwells on the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the psyche of all those affected, focusing mainly on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Keywords: COVID-19, Psychological impact, needs We are currently living

Awareness Health

What is Schizophrenia?

I still remember my internship days done during my post-graduation. There was visible excitement, exchange of ideas, thoughts regarding various disorders but what bound all of us together was the curiosity to hear and understand patients who were suffering from

Awareness Health

Why we need to be grateful to Covid-19?

Mental health has never been a priority in developing countries like India and until now, there was almost no large-scale discussion about the same. There is a lot of stigma around the issue and seeking support from a psychologist is

Education Health

Operating on the reality at the ‘formal operational’ level

Operating on the reality at the ‘formal operational’ level  A constructivist will position itself in the belief that knowledge is constructed by a person, if you take this discourse to a classroom setting, the implication of this stance has led

Awareness Health

What Is Verbal Bullying?

As much as 21st century is known for its technological advancements, it is increasingly becoming known for the excessive engagement in verbal abuse or rather verbal bullying; especially in the public domain. In recent years, this act of verbally bullying someone


What Is The Psyche And The Inner Self?

What is psyche? Where does it emerge from? What are its components? These quintessential questions have existed since generations. Many philosophers, theorists and researchers have tried to explore its meaning. Our ‘self’ emerges from our “psyche”. The Greek word ‘psyche’

Awareness Health Motivation Positive Self Help

How Is Creativity And Coping Interconnected?

Robert E. Franken defines Creativity as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. Creativity is all about coming up with new ideas and

Awareness Education Technology

Social Media: Deceptive?

“There are only two industries that call their customers ‘users’: illegal drugs and software”                                                                                                           -Edward Tufte Whenever you buy something new, don’t you interrogate about the product? Don’t you try to get all the information possible about it, all

Awareness Motivation

Why is it Important to take Risks in Life?

A wise man once said, “Opportunity does not come gift-wrapped. You must take risks.” It is safe to say that life’s greatest lessons come when we shift our focus out of our comfort zone. We grow tremendously when we take


Social Media: A Curse Or A Boon?

To communicate with friends and family, people utilise social media on a variety of online platforms. It has given a boost to the world economy by increasing communication among different countries and promoting trade. People use numerous social media applications