Search Results for : romantic relationships

The Need for Reassurance in Relationship

Every love affair has its ups and downs and calls for work, commitment, and a desire to change with your partner. Love is one of the strongest emotions anybody can experience. Despite the fact that there are many various kinds


Infidelity And Micro Cheating: Hurdle in A Relationship

Physical or emotional closeness between people is a sign of an intimate relationship. An intimate connection might involve family, friends, or acquaintances in addition to being a sexual one, despite the fact that these relationships are less prevalent. A romantic


The Psychology Behind Long-Lasting Friendships

Friendships are important in our lives. It is said that people who have stronger friendships tend to live longer and even have happier lives. We make many friends throughout our lifetimes from when we are just born till the last


Being A Single Mother Is Tough, But What About Single Fathers?

Dads are typically seen as inferior parents, which makes them feel as though they must continuously establish themselves in order to be taken seriously. It is commonly recognized that being a single mother affects her psychological and emotional health, but


Tips To Save Your Relationship from Breakup

Relationships are always an integral part of each and every individual’s life. Relations with your family, friends, colleagues, or in general peers have a great impact on every aspect of our life. Other than these relations one of the most


It’s not easy to be a single mother

Family is an important aspect of everyone’s life. If we consider Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a family may fall into the third set of needs which are social needs. In addition, human beings are social creatures. So, it may seem


Situationship Vs Relationship: Let’s find the difference

Love is a significant and major part of every individual’s life, may it be by your parents, siblings, partners. In addition, we all have felt love in some or the other way in our lives. Numerous novels, films, and pieces of art brilliantly depict love. Some poets consider love



Everyone needs a network of emotional supporters, someone to lean on when they’re feeling lost, someone to help them solve their problems, someone to encourage them to follow their passion, and most importantly, someone to be there for them through


Peter Pan syndrome- A child trapped in an adult’s body

Growing up as children, we yearned for independence, but as adults, we realize how challenging being a grown-up can be. It can be difficult dealing with the stresses of adult life, from meeting deadlines to paying bills. It may be


A Skin next to your skin

The expectant mother experiences an upsurge of excitation when the fetus first kicks inside her tummy. That’s the first contact between the unborn and its container. The grasp of a baby communicates trust. Hugs are the best way to transfer