Search Results for : Behaviors
Self Help

The Psychology of Addiction

Addiction is described as the inability to control doing, taking, or using something to a level that is harmful to you. In clinical terms, addiction is a progressive disorder that affects the brain’s reward, motivation, and memory. It is characterized


The Psychology of Prestige

The common meaning of prestige corresponds closely with the domain of psychological and social causation, with its associated ethnological displays and emergent population-level phenomena. The psychology of prestige has its roots in elaboration. Still, in the ultra-modern world, we have


Social Psychology: The Landscape of Human Interaction

Psychology, as a discipline in itself, delves deep into human behaviour at times of their interaction. So, what exactly does social psychology as a subfield of the discipline focus on? Why do we need an academic pursuit of a distinct


The Psychology of Trading

In nowadays’s speedy-paced international, buying and selling has emerged as a green profession that calls for expertise, capabilities, and discipline. Within a short period, human beings are buying and selling something with just a click. This industry has additionally attracted

Health News

Exercise can both treat and prevent postpartum depression: Study

According to a recent study, moderate aerobic exercise can both prevent and alleviate postpartum depression. This week’s meta-analysis, which looked at data from 26 research involving over 2,800 participants, revealed that aerobic exercise is a useful preventive and therapeutic measure


Personality Complexes: Understanding Different Sides of Yourself

In the field of psychology, Personality is a huge topic. Many Psychologists presented their theories of personality to explaining the psychology of humans. They did this because they wanted to help people and they could do this only when they


The Psychological Impact of Long-Term Remote Work, According to Psychologists

Even though before the pandemic, scientific studies have demonstrated the advantages of remote work, such as an increase in worker morale, health and well-being, and productivity. The study assumed that telecommuting was an option rather than a requirement and that

News Social

It’s important to stand against Social media bullying

In light of the recent news of a 16-year-old boy who died by suicide, a self-taught makeup artist, it has come to attention that he received many negative comments on his Instagram page. He was a 10th class student from


8 Reasons You Underestimate Yourself: How Should You Tackle Them?

8 Reasons You are Underestimating Yourself: How Should You Tackle Them? Life keeps going, and you have to keep up with it, but progression in goals can be interrupted by many factors. Growth in life is highly influenced by the


Understanding the Dynamics of Social Psychology

In today’s busy world, society faces many pressures and challenges. The topic of mental health has gained popularity all over the world. Thus, Connections with other human has become a necessity. The society plays a significant role in making these