Search Results for : relationship

Mental Health in Adolescence

Mental Health equals to mental well-being of an individual. It is all about one’s thoughts, feelings and emotions; their ability to solve problems and overcome challenges, difficulties on daily basis in their lives; their social relationships, connections and understanding of

Self Help

Learning to Self Soothe

The sight of a mother or father putting their infant on their shoulder and patting him/her to calm him/her down is always fascinating. It’s such a relaxing, peaceful sight. The crying, bawling infant calms down and goes off into a


Newly wedded??… Contemplating Separation??

“A great marriage doesn’t because of the love you had in the beginning but how well you continue building the love until the end” – anonymous. Rajiv and Puja, (names changed) got married 10 months back. It was a love


Soldiers’ mental health after an acute injury- A concern

As everyone is aware by this time that mental health is really underrated and not considered as important as it should be. Above all, did you consider what a soldier goes through when he/she returns from a war? Sometimes, they


Conduct Disorder: An Overview

Tara, a four year old, was yelling & screaming and interrupting everyone at dinner table. As her mother scolded her, she picked up the serving spoon and threw it at her mother with all force and hit her- Everyone was


Enjoy parenting a teenager while creating a confident individual

Teen is an age, when a child starts developing or carving their own separate identity along with their other physical and hormonal changes. This separate identity becomes a crisis issue for those parents who takes their children as their own


Emotional intimacy with parents and conduct disorder

Whether children do something good or bad, mostly parents are credited to their actions. Therefore, raising a child not only involves feeding the child and giving financial support but also requires emotional intimacy from the parents because how a child


Palate of Our Mind

In his autobiographical account about his struggle with mental illness, ‘Reasons to Stay Alive’ author, Matt Haig rightly pointed out that we can boast about being rid of the stigma around mental health only when we stop segregating health into


Workplace environment and it’s impact on mental health

WHO (World Health Organization) has formulated a draft which covers mental health in diverse areas. One of the areas is workplace. Globalization has accelerated the world economy and opened new opportunities for the people. This has led to establishment of


Take responsibility over your life

The main Principle of a holistic way of life is “I am responsible for what I create in my life and all that happens to me.” This Belief system puts one into an empowered state and moves one from a