Search Results for : Relationship
Awareness Self Help

What is FOMO? How it affects us? How can we overcome FOMO?

What is FOMO? The term FOMO is seen relatively a new term. This word has been added to the Oxford English Dictionary in the year 2013. In simple words, FOMO means “Fear of missing out”. It is a form of social anxiety that


Looking through the eyes of a kidnapper

There might have been a case or we might have heard about an incident that would have shaken us, instilled some sense of fear in your parents or in you, without even being closely associated with that incident. Kidnapping is


Are Serial Killers born or are they made?

Till date it is possible that we might have heard about a few people and cases that might have impacted us, made us think and question and we could feel chills running down through our spines when we first heard

Awareness Parenting

Just Because Children Are Little, Does Not Mean Their Problems Are Too

There is always the assumption that children are free from the worries of the world. But being young does not necessarily mean that children live in a carefree world. Like everybody dealing with their issues of daily life, children are

Awareness Health Self Help

Dealing with Socio-Psychological Intruders

Dealing with sociopsychological intruders.  Boundaries. We Hate them, love them, know them, ignore them, violate them and struggle with them. Whether you understand them or not, we all have them. Boundaries are a bunch of behaviors, acts or limitations that

Awareness Self Help

Tool for happiness: Self-Care & Self-Love

 “Why are you so negative of yourself?”, “Why don’t you value yourself?”. We usually reply with an affirmation, “Yes!! Of course.” But why does it gets tricky when we are asked, “How do you?” Perhaps it may be best to

Education News

SPM College, Delhi University announces Certificate Course In Counselling And Psychotherapy

SPM College (Delhi University) announces a certificate course in counselling and psychotherapy in collaboration with Utsaah Psychological Services. This course is designed to provide the learner with advanced exploration and analysis of counselling techniques as well as Psychotherapy. The learner


Establishing identity during adolescence

“In the social jungle of human existence, there is no feeling of being alive without a sense of identity” –Erik Erikson The period between the onset of puberty (usually 11 years of age) and the starting of the adulthood (usually

Awareness Education Therapy


“Inner peace is impossible without patience. Wisdom requires patience. Spiritual growth implies the mastery of patience. Patience allows the unfolding of destiny to proceed at its own unhurried pace.”― Brian Weiss Past life regression therapy is a complete treatment that actually


How to communicate about intimacy issues?

Physical and emotional intimacy are crucial aspects of a relationship. It determines how both the person feel about each other, how they connect, how comfortable they are and many more. What it means to one person will always be different