Search Results for : Relationship
Relationship Self Help

Can Breakup’s Be An Important For Personal Growth?

Almost everyone goes through the process of losing someone significant to them at least once in their lives, whether romantically or otherwise, and it is never an easy process. The void that follows losing someone close to you is something

Self Help

Why There Is A Need To Connect With Self?

A day has 24 hours and by subtracting the hours we spend on sleep, we spend around 15 hours awake. How much of it do we spend with ourselves? And what is our own importance for ourselves? Does the answer

Awareness Self Help

Why Is It Important To Develop Self – Compassion?

We spend our entire lives with one person. The journey with this person is guaranteed till the end, in sickness and in health, through every roadblock and success. Wouldn’t we want to make this relationship a thriving one, considering it


COVID-19 & Infodemic: Role of Social Networks

Information is a boon to the society if delivered in an inappropriate way but misinformation could prove equally dangerous. In the era of information technology and constant connectedness. The phenomenon of the rapid spread of misinformation or “fake news” has

Awareness Positive Self Help

2 step solution: An effective way to combat COVID-19

Given the scenario amid on-going pandemic, it is natural for people to experience stress, anxiety, apprehension and uncertainty. However with prolonged stress and anxiety people may begin to experience negative health outcomes. An individual may suffer from existential crisis as


Why are Dogs Called ‘MAN’S BEST FRIEND’?

Many of you will agree with me that the first answer which strikes in our mind after reading or hearing this question is dogs are so loveable. Furthermore, a phrase “man’s best friend” for domestic dogs is given by King


Why Do We Often Indulge In Binge Watching?

It is not something that we have not done. In today’s world one of the biggest sources of entertainment is through watching online series and movies. We all have our favourite shows that we might have completed but still feel

Awareness Health

How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted mental health?

The Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has taken the world by storm. With its first human case reported by officials in Wuhan city, China in December 2019, it has now emerged as a global health crisis. With the number of positive cases


What Relation Does Humans And Animals Share?

Just like humans, there are other creatures that live on the planet earth. Not all of them come in contact with humans but still they do exist and yes they are animals. Human-Animal Connection and Abuse have a relationship that


Why do we fear to express ourselves?

Expressing your emotions doesn’t make you a weak person. This era is the modern era where life is fast and tough. It depends upon an individual whether or not he desires to struggle with happiness. The one with a positive