Search Results for : mental health disorders

Growing Strong: Mental Health Promotion for Children and Teens

Mental Health is a very decisive domain of our lives. It refers to overall cognitive, behavioural, and emotional well-being. Mental health usually reflects how people think, feel, and behave. Any distortions in mental health can affect daily living, relationships, and


Mental Health and Women

Women and men are different not only in their physical attributes but also in their psychological well-being. Women and men differ in the way they communicate, deal in relationships, express their feelings, and react to stress. Thus, gender differences are


Awareness And Useful Solutions To Psychological Disorders

Thousands of us suffer pangs of pain, frustration, helplessness, and disappointment because of psychological disorders. If the disorder is mild, they bear it in silence. If it is at a severe level, they are forced to take treatment. The expense


Child Sexual Abuse and Its Deep Impact on Mental Health

Any form of abuse either physical, mental, or emotional is a serious and tragic issue in society. Child sexual abuse out of all forms of abuse is the worst thing we ever imagine happening to a human being. It affects


The Silent Culprit: Daily Stress Intake and Its Impact on Personal Health

In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an almost unavoidable part of daily life. From deadlines and responsibilities to financial pressures and personal relationships, stressors abound. While some levels of stress can be motivating and adaptive, an excessive and prolonged

Awareness Education

Teaching Financial Literacy for Better Mental Health

Money is the basic necessity in life that sustains the whole world and billions of people in it. Money fulfils everyone’s needs and wants and who doesn’t want it? Being financially independent is a dream of almost everyone in this

Awareness Entertain

The Spotlight for Mental Health: Understanding the Unique Stress Actors Face

Living in the limelight for Actors comes with several issues and struggles. It’s not easy to live life with cameras surrounding the person the whole day and showing their true personality in front of millions of people. For an ordinary


Connection Between Mental Health and Diet: Mindful Nourishment

    A healthy diet can play a huge role in well-being and physical health. Gradually we are learning how our diet is boosting our social, emotional, and mental health. Though there is still a lot to uncover regarding the connection


Police and Psychologists unite to de-stigmatize mental health in Kota

With an alarming number of deaths by suicide in Kota, the police authorities, psychologists, and spiritual leaders joined hands. They will work to de-stigmatize seeking therapy and engage in open conversations about mental health. The collaborative effort took place on


Nurturing Mental Well-being by Taking Steps to Happiness

In the realm of mental health, a profound realization has surfaced through my work in a mental health department: the majority tend to seek assistance only when the burden of their mental distress becomes unbearable, taking a toll not just