Search Results for : behaviours

What Is ADHD Masking and How Can It Be Managed?

Have you ever hidden a trait or a quality of yours that makes you different from others and you might have thought that people may judge you or not accept you for not behaving properly? Have you ever had thoughts


Psychology Behind Inequality

Conversations about inequality in the present world, as you may have seen, are taking a gradual surge in different political, economic and social dimensions. These talks have always been an ingrained part of society. Once merely hushed whispers, they have


How ADHD can Impact your Relationship and How you can (still) Work it out

Having a fulfilling relationship is a bit of a challenge for every person but maintaining a relationship with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is exceptionally difficult. Symptoms include lack of attention, inability to focus, extreme impatience, impulsiveness,  frequent mood swings,


The Psychology Behind the Case of John Wayne Gacy: Pogo the Clown

Trigger Warning: The contents of this article can be Disturbing for some individuals John Wayne Gacy is regarded as one of the most notorious serial killers in the history of America. Due to his evil methods of committing violence and


New Study Reveals Anxiety Risks with Synthetic Estrogen in Contraceptives

A new research presented at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, came up with a significant finding. The type of estrogen in hormonal birth control may significantly influence anxiety-like behaviours. Researchers found that synthetic estrogen in


Psychology Behind Patriotism

In India, Patriotism is considered a sacred virtue. We almost Worship our Freedom Fighters and hold them high in honour. For us, they are a reminder of our love for our country and the freedom we owe to them for


Psychology Behind Victim Mentality

The term victim mentality in the field of psychology may be couched in different ways and, frequently, misinterpreted. People sometimes feel powerless when dealing with difficult situations. Instead of taking responsibility for their failures, they blame external factors. Of course,

Awareness Self Help

What’s the Difference Between a Psychopaths and a Sociopaths?

You’ve probably heard the words psychopaths and sociopaths. They are commonly misinterpreted to characterize people who lack empathy, disdain norms, are unconcerned about the rights of others, have aggressive inclinations, and never feel sorry. While sociopathy and psychopathy are not


Psychology Behind Animal Abuse

Unacceptable behaviours that inflict pain and suffering on animals are called animal abuse or cruelty against animals. There has been an increase in the number of these cases but studies say that many of such cases remain undetected as the


Pune Car Crash: A Psycho-developmental Interpretation

The Pune car crash incident is all over the internet. On May 19, A seventeen-year-old teenager was driving over 200 mph while drunk, causing the death of two engineers in the crash. Both of them were engineers driving on a