Search Results for : Depression
Health Social

How Brain Rot is silently ruining our lives: A Psychological Perspective

Social media has become omnipresent in the lives of every digital-age citizen through interaction, information consumption, self-perception, and perception of others. While platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok have revolutionized communication, they have also introduced new psychological challenges. The

Awareness Self Help

5 Hacks to Increase Self-Awareness

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. Aristotle According to the American Psychological Association, self-awareness refers to self-focused attention or knowledge. It is the capability of directing attention and evaluating our inner self. Humans develop self-awareness between the ages


Calm Your Nerves: Dietary Changes for Reducing Anxiety

Anxious about your upcoming exams? Oh, that’s fine. You’ll do well. Is your mother sick? So you’re afraid something might happen to her? Don’t worry. Things will get better. Worried that you might be late for your first interview if

Awareness Self Help

Non-Suicidal Self-Injury

Trigger Warning: This article contains mentions of self-harm and suicide. Please proceed with caution. Self-harm, especially in the form of cutting or burning, has been romanticised as well as stigmatised. A plethora of myths surrounds Deliberate Self-harm (DSH) or Non-suicidal

Awareness Self Help

Misophonia: Understanding and Treating Sound Sensitivity Disorder

The Misophonia is also described as a word “hatred of sound” and is like more than just a dislike for such certain noises. It is a neurological disorder, and It affects everyday activities and may trigger intense emotional or psychological


The Psychology Behind Hoarding Behaviour

Hoarding is relatively common; we all know someone with a garage full of random trinkets and things that seem of little use; however, there is a certain point where hoarding becomes an issue. For this reason, Hoarding Disorder has been


Psychology of Sibling Relationships: Understanding Their Impact

Do you have any siblings or are you an only child? Have you ever wished you had siblings or didn’t have them? There probably were days when the grass seemed greener on the other side. Despite all the challenges and

Awareness Positive

Self-Isolation & Healing from it

Self-isolation can be defined as a state or condition in which the person prefers to stay away from others, for a certain period, willingly. It can be exercised by means of not attending social events, family or friends together or


The Impact of Sleep Apnea on Mental Health: Signs and Symptoms

Sleep apnea is a condition affecting lots of people whereby breathing becomes difficult and even stops when one is asleep. It is well known as a cause of physical ailments including heart diseases and sleepiness during the day; it also

Life Style

10 Powerful Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness Every Day, According to Psychology

You might have heard the term – “mindfulness” a lot these days on magazine covers,  from Instagram influencers and a lot of other places. Are you one of those people who think of a person sitting alone on a mountaintop when