Search Results for : Behaviors

Impact of Sleep Disruptions on Preschoolers’ Emotions and Behavior

There is a strong bidirectional correlation between sleep disorders and mental health issues throughout childhood. Quantification of the relationship between the natural history of sleep disruptions and the onset of mental health disorders is lacking. One of the main factors

Self Help

The Psychology Behind Insecurity

Do you remember the ultimate time you attended a celebration and noticed a person who seemed lovelier than you did? Suddenly, you begin doubting your very own look and feeling insecure. We have all been there – insecure about our


The impact of aging on concentration

Numerous cognitive functions, including memory, organizing and planning, decision-making, and much more, are controlled by the brain. Our capacity for independent living and our ability to perform daily duties are both impacted by these cognitive capacities. As people age, certain


Parasomnia: Types, signs, and prevention

Unusual actions that people experience just before going to sleep, while they are asleep, or during the arousal phase between sleep and awake are collectively referred to as Parasomnia. These behaviors, which include sleepwalking, sleep paralysis, and night terrors, differ


The Role of Genetics in Mental Health

A gene is the functional unit of heredity. It is this gene that passes generations over generations that carry parental characteristics like eye color, blood type, etc. However, it might sound surprising to you that genetics plays a significant role


What Is your travel personality?

In the preceding articles of this curated series of travel and personality, it was brought out that an individual’s choice of routes, driving behaviour and travel-selfie-taking behaviour is influenced to an extent by personality factors. Moving on to the concept


Comprehensive Insights into Mental Health & Mental Disorders

Mental well-being incorporates more than just the nonappearance of mental ailments; it is the total state of being emotionally, socially, and psychologically well. A person in a state of mental well-being can supervise life’s stresses, reach their full potential, learn


How to Handle Children’s Dictatorial Demands

Parents of highly sensitive children (HSCs), children who process their experiences in the world more deeply, report that their children routinely make these kinds of seemingly outrageous demands, even though children of all personality types have occasionally been known to


What is Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)?

APA Dictionary of Psychology defines REBT or Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy as a form of cognitive behaviour therapy that is based on the idea that an individual’s self-defeating beliefs influence and may even create negative feelings and behaviours. REBT was


What is Ombrophobia?

Ombrophobia, also known as pluviophobia, is an anxiety complaint characterized by an inordinate and illogical fear of rain. People with ombrophobia may experience intense anxiety, panic attacks, and avoidance behaviours when exposed to rain or the thought of rain. It