Search Results for : mood
Self Help

Tricking Your Way to Happiness!

While at first glance the topic might seem counterintuitive to a lot of us and we might question if we would even be able to feel happy if we knew we were tricking our Brains! Well, in reality, if we


Thrive, Don’t Just Survive: The Power of Therapy in Everyday Life

Therapy can be appropriately defined as a therapeutic alliance- a relationship- that you develop with your therapist over some time. This alliance is essential for the individual to explore his/her innermost experiences of emotions, thoughts, experiences and so on. These


What is Night Eating Syndrome?

Night-eating syndrome is an eating condition characterized by disturbed sleep. Night-eating syndrome leads people to wake up in the middle of the night to eat, which can lead to poor sleep quality and a variety of chronic health concerns, including

Awareness Self Help

Psychologist tell why Running is great for your Mental Health

A healthy body is a necessary condition for happiness and growth. Good physical and mental health improves our ability to carry out day-to-day activities efficiently. The topic of mental health has emerged as one of the most pressing worldwide concerns.


Bulimia: Princess Diana’s Hidden Health Struggle

Princess Diana, first of all, had the nickname of “the People’s Princess” and became very popular by her grace, kindness, and selfless way living of her life for the people’s good. Still, despite the facade of glamorous royalty, Diana knew


Indian States Facing Hazards of Heatwave: Does It Affect You Mentally?

Heatwaves have raised an alarm across the country. Ministry of Ayush has issued guidelines to deal with continuous rising temperatures in many Indian states with increasing cases of heat strokes. IMD (Indian Meteorological Department) describes heatwaves as an increase in


Psychologists Speak on How much sleep we actually need

People usually stay awake or pull “all-nighters” for a variety of reasons, like for studying for an upcoming exam, partying, Et cetera, but ignoring your sleep cycle and sleeping less than what is required by a human body can cause


What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is quite common among individuals who are preoccupied with their physical appearances, even though these flaws may be imagined or minimal. Because of some similarities between them, it’s often referred to as an OCD-like disorder. BDD


Trait Theory in Relationships

Trait theory is a well-known psychological approach that focuses on identifying and measuring individual personality traits. Traits are often stable and enduring characteristics that influence an individual’s behavior and thoughts. They describe consistent patterns of behavior in different situations. For


9 Foods that are Great for your Brain

Hippocrates once said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” The brain is an important part of the body that allows a person to think or feel. It is necessary to provide our brain with a lot of