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Education Health

Operating on the reality at the ‘formal operational’ level

Operating on the reality at the ‘formal operational’ level  A constructivist will position itself in the belief that knowledge is constructed by a person, if you take this discourse to a classroom setting, the implication of this stance has led


What Are Speech Disorders?

A school going boy in a small part of England had issues with his speech such that talking itself became a difficult task. Unable to face the bully of his fellow classmates and the resultant frustration and stress, this boy

Awareness Health

What Is Verbal Bullying?

As much as 21st century is known for its technological advancements, it is increasingly becoming known for the excessive engagement in verbal abuse or rather verbal bullying; especially in the public domain. In recent years, this act of verbally bullying someone

Awareness Motivation Self Help

Is Life Merely A Struggle Or Is It More Than That?

We are all so occupied and busy in our life that we have forgotten what it’s like to live and feel happy. We have become nothing but stressed and frustrated individuals who are having a tough time coping with their

Industrial Research

How To Manage Burnout during WFH (due to COVID-19)?

“Most anyone can learn to be a great virtual employee.The top skills to learn are setting healthy boundaries between your work life andpersonal life and building relationships virtually.”– Larry English What is burnout?Burnout is a state of overwhelming exhaustion resulting

Awareness Positive Self Help

Cell Phone Detox: Essential?

Almost everyone wakes up by checking the cell phone screen in the morning and also goes to sleep by doing the same. Such is the case that the real world seems far, and the digital world seems near to us,


What Is The Psyche And The Inner Self?

What is psyche? Where does it emerge from? What are its components? These quintessential questions have existed since generations. Many philosophers, theorists and researchers have tried to explore its meaning. Our ‘self’ emerges from our “psyche”. The Greek word ‘psyche’

Motivation Positive

How to achieve happiness?

“All happiness or unhappiness solely depends upon the quality of the object to which we are attached by love.”– Baruch Spinoza In simpler words happiness is a state of being happy and positive. Apart from a positive mood, happiness is

Awareness Health Parenting

What Can Be The Impact Of Child Abuse On The Mental Health Of The Child?

Child abuse is when a parent or guardian, regardless of whether through activity or neglecting to act, causes injury, death , emotional  damage or danger to a child. There are numerous types of child abuse, including neglect, physical abuse, sexual

Relationship Self Help

Is Love At First Sight Real?

We all know the feeling – the butterflies in the stomach, head feeling giddy and legs feeling weak, when we are unable to look away or even let out a breath. Our heart starts beating faster and we have a