Search Results for : anxiety

How does Fragrances work on Human Psyche?

Perfumes and essential oils have been associated to pleasure and happiness since ages. It used to be a luxury of the elites of the distant past. Though the concept of the use of aroma for therapeutic purposes exists since first


March is in the air and it is just another month!

March is in the air and it is just another month! Students by now can feel the month of March approaching. March is generally associated with the exams, not only by the students but also by their family. Future, Result,



The Case of T: Mom and Dad were surprised when their usually hassle –free 21-year-old son T., who had come home for a month from hostel to prepare for his 5th semester engineering exams announced a day before his return


ADHD and Need for Rehabilitation

It is one of the common complaints of many parents that their child is not doing well in the studies, teachers consider their child as a slow learner, they have a reluctant handwriting which is too difficult to understand, at


Emotional Intelligence: Improve the Quality of Daily Life

The term Emotional Intelligence which was initially was coined by psychologists Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer refers “to a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among


“It’s more about how to be angry and not about never being angry”

Emotions surface the human mind time to time, depending upon the external and internal circumstances, while some emotions bring pleasant feelings like joy, happiness, surprises, pride etc. there are other emotions which are negative emotions like – hatred, anger, jealousy,

Self Help


As Dr. Daniel J. Siegel’s says “The power of awareness changes our well-being”, that is, being mindful and being aware is important to a person, has an effect on the person’s life and it plays a major role in determining


Terminal Diseases: Underlying Behavioural and Social-economic Issues

Socio-economic Aspects of Terminal Diseases: With respect to the economic, demographic, and healthcare development, India is passing through the transitional phase. During the last two decades, India has shown remarkable economic development, but the acquired progress has benefited a very



Nomophobia is the marked anxiety or fear of being without a mobile phone or being unable to see a mobile phone, or losing network or internet connectivity. The term Nomophobia includes: “no”, “mo” and “phobia”. It was given by a


The Expressive Self

Art speaks where words are unable to be explained. It is an ever-changing mixture of the intellectual and the emotional, the physical and the spiritual, which marks the virtue of subjectivity. Some feelings are hard to verbalize. Some thoughts we