Search Results for : romantic relationships

Dating anxiety: Symptoms, Causes and the Management Tools

Anxiety could happen due to multiple reasons and for multiple things. Dating anxiety refers to the excessive worry or fear in the context of dating someone. Anxiety helps us predict the future beforehand by worrying about the outcome. When we


Asexuality as a Sexual Orientation

In today’s world, sexuality has become an important topic that catches everyone’s attention. A person’s sexuality is an essential part of an identity. This makes it crucial to identify and respect it, to be able to respect those around you.


The Psychology behind Realism

Realism as an artistic and literary movement emerged in the mid-19th century. It emphasizes things as it is rather than exaggerating them. In the world of literature and art, the transition of things from the romanticism of scenes and characters

Life Style

Understanding The Psychology Of Love In Modern Dating

Understanding The Psychology Of Love In Modern Dating Love’s alluring power persists across humanity, yet the path to romantic connection fluctuates through cultural and technological shifts. As digital life transforms dating’s terrain, emerging adults navigate unfamiliar junctions between self and


Does the age affect women’s preferences for ideal partner?

How do women visualize their dream partner? And how does this differ across women of different ages? At the University of Gottingen, a group of researchers examined the complex relationships between age and preferences for a partner in a large


Emotional Attachment with School Memories at Adult Age

Many of us find ourselves reminiscing over small moments of our past school life. School memories evoke a sense of nostalgia when life is much simpler. Recall how you used to spend those hours on the last bench, sneaking into


Exploring the Motivations Behind a Stalker’s Behavior

The word ‘stalking’ is used around these days very casually. You might hear people say that they’ve stalked someone online even if they just browsed the other person’s Instagram account one time. By doing this, the meaning of the word


Importance of Good Memories in Our Life

Memories are like a thread that gives life color and richness as it progresses like an interesting story. If a person neglects some recollections of memories, particularly the important ones, could lead to them disappearing. Luckily, there are resources like


Why do Some Couples Baby Talk?

You’ve probably seen how adults talk to newborns differently than they do to other adults or even toddlers. They raise their voices and do things that would be considered rude or disrespectful in normal adult discussions. Some even have their


There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t

“Turtles all the way down” by John Green “This book is certainly not about the turtles,” is something that the writer would love to let anyone who desires to pick this book up know. Turtles all the way Down is