Search Results for : Disorders

Hyper-Independence as a Trauma Response: Signs and Strategies

Trauma responses manifest in diverse forms, becoming intensely infused in our behavioural patterns. Many refuse help, even from loved ones and seek extensive self-reliance to feel secure. In the long term, excessive independence or hyper-independence pushes our well-wishers away and,


The Psychology of Regression

The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, proposed several intriguing yet debatable ideas. Defence mechanisms are a popular concept and represent unconscious coping methods that distort reality to deal with anxiety-provoking events. Often, many display childlike behaviours during stressful events, such


Understanding Eldest Daughter Syndrome

Recently, a clip of a fifth grader from Thailand feeding her baby sister while studying in class was the talk of social media. The 20-second clip sparked a heated debate among netizens. It showed the older sister cradling and feeding


How to stop Negative thinking?

Have you ever felt stuck in a loop of negative thoughts, where everything seems to go wrong? This pattern, known as negative thinking, can make you feel hopeless, anxious, and stressed. Imagine your mind as a garden, where negative thoughts


Understanding the Link Between ADHD and Alcohol Use

ADHD is a developmental disorder that commonly affects children, this lasts throughout adolescence and adulthood. If the symptoms are not diagnosed or managed it can cause issues relating to alcohol use disorders. There is evidence that it is associated with


New Study Reveals How the Brain Detects Gaze Direction

The University of Geneva (UNIGE) recently conducted a study on the exact moment of gaze direction detection which was published in the journal NeuroImage. The findings enhance the understanding of autism spectrum disorder and even offer therapeutic prospects for people

Parenting Positive

How to Connect With Your Struggling Adult Child 

The transition into adulthood can be a testing time for many people. It is the point in life where one is trying to look for things that they identify with and build a personality of their own. It is also

Positive Self Help

Meditation for Anxiety: Stress Reduction and Emotional Balance

According to WHO, 4 % of the world’s population is currently living with anxiety. Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental disorders, with 301 million per cent worldwide. Anxiety is very common for everyone, those who suffer from anxiety disorders


What does it mean to be in a Platonic Relationship?

The term “platonic friendship” might initially seem useless since friendships are inherently platonic, right? A platonic relationship is a close friendship between two individuals rooted in genuine affection and mutual respect, without any sexual or romantic involvement. This type of relationship thrives


Psychologist’s Insights on Empathy and its Psychological Foundations

What is exactly empathy? Over 200 years have passed since thinking people began attempting to comprehend the general phenomena in which one person changes their ideas or feelings as a result of observing another. The question is “Is being empathic