Search Results for : Behaviors
Self Help

How Does Ego Impact Our Mental Health?

The ego is the part of the character that consists self-self-consciousness, self-picture, and personal identity. In the psychoanalytic concept, Sigmund Freud talks about the ego, as a rational part of the personality and creates a balance between the id and


How to take care of children with disabilities?

Any form of disability requires specialized education, fitness, and clinical offerings to assist people to reach their fullest capability. Autism, interest-deficit / hyperactivity disease (ADHD), and mental and physical disabilities are common neurodivergent. Data given with the aid of UNICEF


The Psychology behind Family Love

Family love includes special and unique feelings, behaviors, and rewards. A family provides various relationships to an individual like parent, brother-sister, grandparent etc. Every member of the family show their love by different ways. Showing and sharing love could be


Behavioural Disorders in Children

Children are often naughty and do things that their parents ask them not to. This is their way of exploring their environment. Sometimes they are moody, and other times they might throw tantrums to get what they want. In such


5 Tips for Dealing with Toxic People According to Psychology

Entering a toxic relationship can be likened to walking into a psychological minefield. These people weaken our perceptions of self and deplete our emotional resources by being negative, manipulative, and disrespectful. While breaking links can seem like the shortest getaway,


The Psychology Behind the Chilling Case of Jeffery Dahmer 

Jeffrey Dahmer was widely known as the Milwaukee Cannibal, an American serial killer and sexual offender responsible for 17 young men being brutally killed from 1978 to 1991. His shocking acts included murder, necrophilia, and dismemberment, shocking the world while


Understanding the Pseudobulbar Affect: Causes, Diagnosis, and Coping Strategies

The pseudobulbar effect is a neurological condition where a person experiences sudden, involuntary, and uncontrollable episodes of laughing or crying. Around the globe and in our country, there has been a significant prevalence of causes related to post strokes depression,


The psychology of making excuses

When you ask your pals to help you with something, and they say I am busy and don’t have the time, or while you name them for a social occasion, they’ll keep away from it with the aid of announcing

Self Help

Cognitive processes as an enhancer of mental health

Mental health is one of the fundamental parts of health. It is not just the absence of psychiatric or psychological disorders. A principle of the constitution of WHO also states that ‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and


Psychology Behind Moral Reasoning

We regularly face situations in our lives in which we get stuck in a moral predicament. It will become tough for us to recognize what’s right and what is wrong. Moral reasoning plays a considerable role in our lives as