Search Results for : phobia
Health News Positive

Gardening Is Becoming A Good Habit For Mental Health

Biophilia is a condition where humans exhibit their instinctual need to be close to nature. Some of the biophilic designs people opt for nowadays include growing houseplants, rooftop or balcony gardens, and preserving natural light to enter their living spaces.

Awareness Health

What is the Difference Between Panic & Anxiety?

There are times when “panic attack” and “anxiety attack” are used interchangeably as they have similar signs and symptoms, although, in clinical settings, anxiety and panic are two different disorders with their own specifications for diagnosis by mental health professionals.

Health News Social

How Climate Change does affect Mental Health?

Mental health is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a condition of well-being in which each individual fulfils their potential, can cope with life’s stressors, can work successfully and effectively, and can contribute to their community. Mental health and


Experts say that children develop psychological problems as a result of the effects of the second wave of COVID

After the second wave of COVID-19, children, due to increased screen time, no contact with people, and little contact with parents who do not have time to do homework, become victims of psychological problems, experts say. There is a delay


Should rape be a gender-neutral crime that includes men and transgender people?

Rape is India’s fourth most prominent crime and a serious problem across the globe. Have we ever thought about the possibility of women raping men? Gender neutrality in rape refers to the status that Indian rape law should recognize all genders


Social Media Addiction

Being on Social Media platforms has become normal and helps individuals to define their “social status”. Individuals post snaps of their day-to-day life to cater to others’ attention and showcase their posh lifestyle. People use these platforms to validate their

Awareness Education Health

Tips to manage Stress and Anxiety

Tips to manage Stress and Anxiety   A healthy body and mind are worth a million dollars. Keep fit, move as much as you can, and get the most of your life. One needs to take good care of oneself

Awareness Health

Counseling approach to change behavior more helpful than looking for the root cause

Counseling approach to change behavior more helpful than looking for the root cause   Looking at our traditional psychological therapeutic practices that long back to psychodynamic psychotherapies by Freud, there has always been a major emphasis on generating insight into

Awareness Positive Self Help

Cell Phone Detox: Essential?

Almost everyone wakes up by checking the cell phone screen in the morning and also goes to sleep by doing the same. Such is the case that the real world seems far, and the digital world seems near to us,

Awareness Health Social

What Is To Be Kept In Mind While Talking With Someone Who Is Suffering From Anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural response to some stressor or distressing situation. Anxiety can be defined as ”An unpleasant feeling of distress, fear, tension and worry which results in bodily changes and lead to body arousal which means an increase in