Search Results for : emotions
Self Help

A Journey through Anxiety

Ms X is now 25 years old, working as a content writer with a reputed online site and is doing well in her career these days. She is bright, beautiful, creative, intelligent and a much-organised lady. But, the story was


Anti-Social Personality: A curse to society

According to Allport, “Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment.” Psychologists from all over the world have defined personality in different ways and have researched behaviours which


The Healing Power of a Good Listener

One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say. Bryant H McGill A counselor, listening intently is the first step towards understanding, assessing and guiding the client. They know that listening is


Wiring of an anxious brain and how to rewire it

Try to remember the time when you had to face an interview, appear for an important exam or give a presentation and notice everything that you were experiencing in your body and in your mind. All the situations mentioned above



The Case of T: Mom and Dad were surprised when their usually hassle –free 21-year-old son T., who had come home for a month from hostel to prepare for his 5th semester engineering exams announced a day before his return


March is in the air and it is just another month!

March is in the air and it is just another month! Students by now can feel the month of March approaching. March is generally associated with the exams, not only by the students but also by their family. Future, Result,

Self Help

Are you emotionally fit?

“In the abyss of emotions, I cannot quit BUT surely I can learn how to swim” Are you fit? While trying to answer this simple question one will ponder upon their BMI, eating habits, exercise routines (especially physical ones) or


The Imitation Jewellery Paradox

People buying jewelleries The prevalent motivation behind donning jewellery is the embellishment of one’s aesthetic. Less prevalent motives are metaphysical beliefs, spiritualism, faith and superstition, investment and derivation of personal aesthetic satiation, or hubristic self-fulfilment. The latter, and any others


Emotional Intelligence: Improve the Quality of Daily Life

The term Emotional Intelligence which was initially was coined by psychologists Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer refers “to a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among


SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION Vulnerability, early symptoms and self management

After this, identify the activities or hobbies which have been the source of entertainment, were pleasurable in the past and connect to the real-time social groups in which you can actively participate. List out all your friends whom you can