Search Results for : phobia
Awareness Positive Self Help

Cell Phone Detox: Essential?

Almost everyone wakes up by checking the cell phone screen in the morning and also goes to sleep by doing the same. Such is the case that the real world seems far, and the digital world seems near to us,

Awareness Health Social

What Is To Be Kept In Mind While Talking With Someone Who Is Suffering From Anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural response to some stressor or distressing situation. Anxiety can be defined as ”An unpleasant feeling of distress, fear, tension and worry which results in bodily changes and lead to body arousal which means an increase in

Self Help


Insensitivity according to the oxford dictionary refers to a lack of concern for others’ feelings. Pretty simple to understand. Right? We see it all the time around us, on the streets, on social media, in our homes, among our colleagues,


What could possibly be the Impact and Benefits of Mindfulness on Anxiety and Daily life?

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”                                          

Awareness Crime

Why are Prisons turning into places with Dark Secrets?

A prison is a place of difficult times and the world doesn’t care because it is the devil’s retreat. To put the argument in a wider perspective we should try and replay the wartime stories in our heads. Wartime stories

Awareness Education Therapy


“Inner peace is impossible without patience. Wisdom requires patience. Spiritual growth implies the mastery of patience. Patience allows the unfolding of destiny to proceed at its own unhurried pace.”― Brian Weiss Past life regression therapy is a complete treatment that actually

Education Therapy

Various Facts and Myths about HYPNOTHERAPY

                                    “You use hypnosis not as a cure but as a means of establishing a favourable climate in which to learn.” Contrary to


Psychology For a Layman’s Perspective

“You are a psychology student, right? So, you can read my mind and know what I am thinking!” “Oh, yes not only can I read minds but also fly with my angel wings and move objects with my mind!” Here’s

Awareness Health

Impact of Coronavirus on the person who is suffering from Obsession Compulsion disorder.

Impact of Coronavirus on the person who is suffering from OCD. Before the advent of COVID-19, anxiety disorders already copious as one of the most communal mental health problems worldwide. COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by a newly discovered


Beware of negative leadership

Negativity in the leader can interfere with the smooth functioning of any organization. This is a well-known fact. What if negativity in the leader is not perceivable, and the inmates of the organization are under the illusion of well-being and