Search Results for : autism

Marijuana use during pregnancy: Negative effects on the new born child.

Marijuana is a dried portion of ‘Cannabis Sativa’ plant. It is usually used to smoke or eat in order to experience certain effects on the body. Consuming Marijuana helps in enhancing sensory perceptions and relaxation. It is legal in few


Exploring the Neural Correlates of Social Cognition

Developed by Cacioppo and Bernston in 1992, social neuroscience is an unfolding field in psychology. The emergence and momentum gained by cognitive psychology led to a cognitive orientation in the portrayal of social psychology. Contemporary findings in psychology have emphasized


Unexplained bond between animals and humans

Since the evolution of human beings, there is a strong suggestion of the bonding and correlation between animals and humans. Animals have played a big role in the development of human society. In the stone and the medieval ages they


The effect of stalking behavior on psychological well being of women

Stalking is a behavior, not a Psychological disorder. Where psychological disorders play a vital role in stalking, the contribution differs hugely depending on the nature of the symptoms, the context in which they are experienced, and the role of other


Technological Interventions for Learning Skills Improvement among PWLD

earning is very important part of human existence and it is so blended in the life that number of times, a person involved in process of learning, does not even know that s/he is learning. Learning is a dynamic, continuous


The Umbrella of Mental Health

Mental Health, reading these two words itself creates lots of confusion, doubts, questions and fear in one’s heart and mind. It’s because Indian society has not been much exposed to the positive side of mental health, or can rather say


Portrayal of Learning Disability in Cinema

An eight year old, wandering on streets, trying to catch fishes in his water bottle, befriending dogs and playing with kites. His world is filled with wonders; colours, dogs fishes. While trying to solve tables, his imagination sees war of



World Health Day is celebrated on the 7th of April every year to mark the anniversary of the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION, founded in 1948. It has now more than 7000 people working from more than 150 countries in 6 regional


The Expressive Self

Art speaks where words are unable to be explained. It is an ever-changing mixture of the intellectual and the emotional, the physical and the spiritual, which marks the virtue of subjectivity. Some feelings are hard to verbalize. Some thoughts we