Search Results for : Behaviors

The Mini Theories of Psychology

Mini theories are a kind of theories that are mainly helpful in explaining a particular behavior or outcome. They make inferences which are based on prior findings and the frameworks suggested by grand theories. These theories only cover a limited

Self Help

Psychology behind Choices

In our lives, we face situations where we have to make choices. These choices could be good or bad depending upon the circumstances we are dealing with. Whatever we have today is the result of the choices we make. Making


The psychology behind consent

Scientific information pertaining to psychology in connection to gender, language, education, and violence have helped to decrease coercive social interactions and increase sexual-affective relationship freedom. However, there are new problems nowadays that call for more advancement. Experts in the domains


Psychology behind Bro Code

Famous Bollywood movies like Karan Arjun, Sholay, 3 Idiots, and Delhi Belly are some of the movies where male friendship or in genz terms, bro code gained a large popularity from the audiences. Many of us are aware of this

Positive Self Help

The Psychology behind positive thoughts

Thinking positively is a broad definition of positive cognitions. Positive thinking does not always translate into avoiding difficult situations. Instead, positive thinking means making the most of potential obstacles, trying to find the best in people, and keeping a positive


What is Social Perception?

Perception is an individual’s recognition & interpretation of sensory information. It also involves how one response to the information.A person’s ability to precisely evaluate and generate judgments about other individuals based on their overall outer appearances as well as verbal


The Psychology of Delusions

A belief that is obviously false and denotes an anomaly in the affected person’s mental content is called a delusion. The person’s intelligence level or cultural or religious background do not explain the false belief. The degree to which the

Awareness Motivation

The Psychology Behind Choosing Your Role Models

Simply put, a role model is someone people look up to and serve as an example of, frequently considering them to be someone worthy of imitation. Every stage of life has role models, but children and young people are typically


The Psychology behind Surprises

We all have become surprised in our lives and many of us like surprises. There are many instances where we have faced this emotion. Remember when you were working hard for the exam and many attempts passed, but, you did


Covid-19 Linked to New Schizophrenia Spectrum: Study

In light of the continued worldwide impacts of SARS-CoV-2, it is vital to understand the possible long-term mental health implications. A various number of recent investigations have put forward a relation between COVID-19 and consequent mental health issues. This current