Search Results for : autism
Health News

6 Indian NGOs: Promoting Mental Health Awareness

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated mental health issues in people of all ages around the world. The stigma attached to mental illness makes the situation in India even more troubling. According to a 2017 report by the Indian Council of

Awareness Health

Ensuring Psychological Health during Pandemic: Tips from HKU clinicians

COVID-19 has affected the millions of lives, from prolonged closures of schools making it difficult for students to attain their rightful education, to adverse work arrangements such as no pay leave or unemployment. This disruption in daily routines caused psychological

Awareness Education Health

Effectiveness Of Interventions In Countering Covid-19 Pandemonium: A Psychological Perspective

The year of 2019 concluded with change, as the only constant. The unpropitious realm of 2020 began on 11 March when the World Health Organisation declared the outbreak of Covid-19 as a pandemic. Researchers, doctors as well as the general

Awareness Education

Psychophysics: The Idea That Lives

For quite a long time, the body and mind were treated as completely different. After a lot of research, it was in the 19th century that a proper scientific approach was found to analyze the relations between the mind and

Awareness Education Health

The Truth about Cannabis

The Truth About Cannabis Cannabis, marijuana, ganja, weed, hash, CBD are some of the terms that we have been hearing in media for quite some time now. Well, we all know that they are drugs but do you know that


What Are Speech Disorders?

A school going boy in a small part of England had issues with his speech such that talking itself became a difficult task. Unable to face the bully of his fellow classmates and the resultant frustration and stress, this boy


NIMHANS develops Brain Atlas : Indian Brain Template

The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences is a renowned medical institution situated in Bengaluru. NIMHANS has developed new brain templates to scan brain structure of the patients. The neurosurgeons, neurologists and psychiatrists can very soon use the tool

Awareness Health Positive

What Is Asperger’s Syndrome?

Is he weird? He doesn’t hold eye contact! He is a genius but he hardly communicate maybe he is too proud of himself! Why is he/she is so dissociated with reality? Why doesn’t this person understand logic and diplomacy? Calls

Awareness Health News Positive

Covid-19: Effects On Pregnant Women And Unborn Child

Pandemic situation of Covid-19 has created a disturbance all over the world. It has created an immense level of panic in the people that gave rise to fear, anxiety, tension, and other health problems. There has been no proper schedule,


Optimism and Resilience In Parents Of Children With Special Needs

Educational Psychology is the field where learning process of human being is studied. Different ways of processing, learning difficulties, study of how people understand, studying behaviour of people come under educational psychology. Optimism is the perspective of an individual to