Search Results for : Disorders

Synesthesia: Blending of the Senses

Have you ever felt the bitter taste while seeing a vibrant green colour? or saw a purple colour house, experiencing the taste of cakes? Why does Hearing some singers’ voices, make you see splashes of colours?, and seeing the number


Understanding Primal Therapy: A Clear Path to Emotional Healing

In a world where we try to suppress our true emotions to maintain social decorum, imagine a therapeutic journey that unlocks our deep-rooted emotional pain from early life experiences. This therapy is called primal therapy. In the era dominated by

Health Life Style

What is Hikikomori Syndrome?

This tale of hikikomori began in the country of Japan. These are the stories inside the closed doors and locked rooms of isolation, far away from the outside world. Let’s dive into the ideas of loneliness and social withdrawal, exploring


Capgras Syndrome: The Delusion of Doppelganger

Capgras Syndrome is a rare condition in which a person is perceived as the duplicate of a family member or loved one. This delusion can hamper daily functioning and affect both the patient and the person disillusioned as a doppelganger.


From Superstition to Science: The Evolution of Mental Health Understanding and Treatment

Imagine waking up one day with symptoms of depression, feelings of guilt, lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed, and persistent fatigue. Today, a doctor or psychologist would likely diagnose you with depression and offer treatment options. But what


What is the Stress Vulnerability Model?

The Stress Vulnerability model given by Spring and Zubin in 1977 signifies why some people are more vulnerable to acquiring mental illnesses. This model follows the interplay of factors like biological, environmental, and protective factors for the identification and intervention


Fregoli Delusion: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

The Fregoli delusion is named after the actor Italian Leopoldo Fregoli. It is a psychiatric disorder characterized by rare, fixed, and unidentified beliefs. The belief is that different people are the same person in disguise or are merely taking on


Tamil Nadu to Create Policy for Homeless Persons with Mental Illness

Tamil Nadu has been actively involved in the care of wandering mentally ill individuals. Following an announcement in the Health budget, a State Policy for Homeless Persons with Mental Illness will be released. In response, the National Health Mission, Tamil

Awareness Self Help

The Psychology of Dangerous Behaviour

The mind in its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of Hell, a hell of Heaven. By-John Milton, Poet Our minds can be unpredictable which can lead to us taking dangerous actions, that are unethical, scary and


10 Habits of Highly Focused Individuals, According to Psychology

Take a moment and observe the never-ending thoughts racing in your mind, scavenging for your attention. In a world of distractions, our focus is divided among diverse tasks, making it difficult to achieve goals. Losing focus is so easy that