Search Results for : Depression
Positive Self Help

Are you really taking care of yourself?

Every single day you wake up, go to work/college, do your regular routine activities, maybe hang out with your friends once in a while, eat out, watch movies, basically live a normal life. But let me ask you some really


Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment

Imagine that your life is a movie and nothing is real, you have no control over what you say or do. This is how people suffering from depersonalization-derealization disorder feel regularly. Let’s find out more about it.  What is Depersonalization-Derealization


Cultural Assimilation: Immigrant and Minority Challenges

Cultural assimilation can, in a grand way, be considered the act of adopting the customs, values, and behaviours of a dominant culture which become part of the norms of an individual’s life. It is very daunting and quite difficult for

Awareness Health

How Does Menopause Affect Mental Health: Psychologist Speaks

Menopause is a big event in a woman’s life; it presupposes the end of her reproductive age. The hallmark of this status is no menstrual bleeding for a continuous period of 12 months. It usually happens between the ages of


The Psychology Behind LinkedIn

Have you LinkedIn? So is it an algorithm that works to land you in your dream job? Or does it cause a glitch in your mind? Does it give you an edge? Or do you feel on edge always? Let’s


Understanding and dealing with Cynophobia: An in-depth analysis

Picture a little girl Emily who, as a small child, loved playing in her neighborhood park. The park was filled with laughter and the simple joys of one’s childhood. One day, running along the set of swings, she came across


Should you Quit your Job for your Mental Health Reasons? : Psychologist Speaks

I am sure any and every person who has ever faced any form of mental health issues in their lifetime, has come across this question at least once – “should I quit my job?”. Nevertheless, this question is reinforced by


The Psychology behind Job Insecurity

Job insecurity refers to a prevalent emotional state that encompasses the feeling of uncertainty and anxiety surrounding one’s employment. It manifests as a constant worry about the stability of one’s job, leading to stress about the possibility of being laid

Awareness Parenting

In the Shadow of a Sibling: Understanding the Struggles of Glass Children

Meet the Glass Child, a sibling of a child with special needs, often hidden in the shadow of their brother’s or sister’s requirements. With their lives shaped by caregiving, they develop remarkable resilience and empathy, but at what cost? This

Education Health

The use of Psychedelics in Mental Health treatment

Psychedelic drugs refer to psychoactive substances that induce hallucinations or have a profound impact on the user’s consciousness. The majority of the psychedelics were classified under the substance use disorder criteria as having no medicinal properties. Between the 1950s and