Search Results for : phobia

Child Sexual Abuse and Its Deep Impact on Mental Health

Any form of abuse either physical, mental, or emotional is a serious and tragic issue in society. Child sexual abuse out of all forms of abuse is the worst thing we ever imagine happening to a human being. It affects


Birthday Depression: When the Celebration Feels Heavy

Your birthday is coming up soon, so it’s that period of year once more. Even though you’ve been anticipating this day for months, you don’t feel excited at all now that it’s nearly here. Instead, you’re experiencing low mood, anxiety,


What Is Visual Mental Imagery?

Visual imagery is the mental representation, which is either short-term or memory based. To investigate some of the significant issues they had brought up, such as the degree to which visual mental images depend on the same representations that underpin


Architectural Psychology: How Designed Environment Affects Our Mood?

Adjustments and balancing of a number of variables can affect the way people move around or communicate with each other in a place. The study of how humans individually or collectively interact with and related to their physical environment is


Infidelity And Micro Cheating: Hurdle in A Relationship

Physical or emotional closeness between people is a sign of an intimate relationship. An intimate connection might involve family, friends, or acquaintances in addition to being a sexual one, despite the fact that these relationships are less prevalent. A romantic


Himachal Pradesh Is Going Through A Disaster Due To Heavy Rainfall

In Himachal Pradesh, heavy rainfall has caused destruction on a never-before-seen scale. A number of important bridges were destroyed by the flash flood’s fury, and multi-story structures, particularly those near rivers, collapsed in an instant, seriously damaging the hill state


Understanding the link between Relationship distress and Mental Illness

The relationship between relationship stress and mental illness is explored in a recent research by S. C. South of Purdue University that was published in Current Directions in Psychological Science. The study emphasizes the link between mental health problems such

Self Help

Living Beyond Anxiety: Empowering Yourself to Embrace Life Fully

Anxiety is an excessive and persistent feeling of tension and worry that influences the physical body by increasing heart rate, rapid breathing, higher blood pressure and feelings of tiredness. Physical symptoms of anxiety can also include dizziness, muscle aches, trembling,


Hypnosis: A Magic or Medicine?

To Hypnotise is to put oneself or another into a relaxed, focused condition. A hypnotist is a person who has the ability to hypnotize others. The verb hypnotize is derived from the Greek word ‘hypnotikos’, which means “inclined to sleep

Self Help

Ways to control our subconscious mind

Reprogramming the subconscious mind is a very complex process that involves consistently and intentionally influencing one’s thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. There is no foolproof way to directly control or reprogram the subconscious mind, there are several techniques and practices you