Search Results for : mood

Anxiety could be fueled by High-Fat Diet: Study

According to a new study from the University of Colorado Boulder, reaching for comfort foods high in fat when stressed may fuel anxiety. The research found that in animals, a high-fat diet disrupts the balance of gut bacteria, leading to


With the increase in temperature, are Heat Waves now increasing the probability of Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Seasonal Affective Disorder is not just limited to winter anymore with the kind of heatwave this year. The scorching heat has swept the peace across the Indian boundaries with each state breaking a record of its maximum temperature. How can


West Bengal-Rangapani Train Collision: Understanding the Psychological Impact 

In the West Bengal-Rangapani and Nijbari region, a goods train collided with a stationed Kanchanjungha Express. Till now, eight passengers have been reported dead. CM Mamta Banerjee showed grievance and utter shock at the accident with around 10 casualties and

Positive Self Help

Yoga: A Path to Psychological Well-Being

When thinking of “good” mental health, various synonymous words like emotional stability, strength, balance elated mood etc, come to mind. Thinking of mental health only in terms of psychological and emotional wellness creates a vacuum approach to mental health, leading


Is Greenery the Real Green Flag?

A recent study highlights the impact of greenery on mental well-being. However, the peace from being in nature has been felt by almost everyone subjectively. Empirical evidence is now available to quantitatively measure its benefits. What was the research about?

Awareness Self Help

PTSD in Men

As we walk into National PTSD Awareness Month and Men’s Mental Health Month. let’s see how post-traumatic stress disorder presents itself in men. Gender differences exist in the prevalence, symptomatic expression, and risk factors of PTSD. Both men and mental

Positive Social

 Understanding the Nocebo Effect

Many of you have heard the saying -‘ What you say is what you attract’. Now suppose it really works, which it does, then this proves you are responsible for what you go through whether it’s positive or negative because


Exercise and Mental Health

As we know, exercise is good for physical health, such as improving our metabolic rate, preventing us from suffering from chronic diseases, helping us maintain a healthy BMI boosting our immune functions, etc. Did you know? Exercise is also good

Life Style

The Psychology Behind Comfort Food

“Mom I am having a bad time at my workplace, I am not able to adapt to the situation here, I used to like food served at my workplace but right now I am craving the homely rajma chawal made


How ADHD can Impact your Relationship and How you can (still) Work it out

Having a fulfilling relationship is a bit of a challenge for every person but maintaining a relationship with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is exceptionally difficult. Symptoms include lack of attention, inability to focus, extreme impatience, impulsiveness,  frequent mood swings,