Search Results for : love

Happiness is a decision

The reason why there is so little happiness in this world is ‘dependency’. Happiness is not dependent on ‘anything’ or ‘anyone’ or found ‘anywhere’. Happiness is only possible when people accept everyone as they are. That means an end to



A glimpse in our current lives… An interactive screen in every hand, a way to connect with the world through the internet and also make new friends, stay in touch with old ones, speak your mind and react at the

Awareness Relationship

How Relationship between Siblings play a significant role in Child Development?

Siblings can be the most infuriating people on the planet or can be the most loyal and closest person you could have by your side, there’s no in-between. They play an integral role in each other’s life ranging from being

Entertain Relationship

I” or “we” in a Relationship: Reveals your choices

Follow the given link to watch this video – Have you ever wondered why and when you use “I “or “we” when you talk about a relationship? Have you ever sat down and speculate about what does that actually


Understand peer pressure: Inculcate good habits

The peers usually refer to the group of people whom we share similar likes, dislikes and interests. It can be any group like a group of students at school, college, and university or at a coaching institute. We spend quality

Awareness Entertain Self Help

The Melancholy of Social Media

You open your phone, you choose the poison of your choice and you like, update, share, subscribe, scroll into this deep abyss of extremes where your every feeling was been worded by a broken hearted writer, every side of your

Awareness Relationship

Nurturing Relationships:-

In this age of information and technology where communication is at the peak of its performance, the one thing which has suffered badly is relationships. With stressful life both at work and home, couple are slowly distancing away from the

Awareness Motivation Self Help


All alone in the darkness you walk There’s somebody you need to talk There’s someone ready out there to pull you out There’s somebody ready out there to kick the emptiness out There’s somebody who’s waiting at home That somebody


Perfect Relationship – is a Myth

“Relationship counseling” is such a trending topic these days. It suggests that people are getting aware or may be more sensitive about their mental health in the relationship; they seek advice from professionals to save the relationship or would try


“Understanding the Need of Adolescent Child as a Parent”

 An adolescent is at that age of our lives when lots of changes are happening. Changes can be either in the physical, social, emotional or psychological, inside and outside our bodies. Adolescent! The name alone can send chills up the