Search Results for : Depression

Miscarriage: Makes or Breaks a relationship

Every couple dream of having a child and the path it follows is very joyous. Couples eagerly wait for the little member of their family. There is no bound to their joy. Not even couples but family members also wait


Eco Anxiety

If we look at the history of humanity, humans seemed to have been getting along well with nature at the beginning. Humans respected nature; some even worshipped its powers in different forms. But as we have “progressed” as intellectual beings,


Unexplained bond between animals and humans

Since the evolution of human beings, there is a strong suggestion of the bonding and correlation between animals and humans. Animals have played a big role in the development of human society. In the stone and the medieval ages they


Importance of self love and how to cultivate it ….

Self-love, everyone heard this word at one point in their life. For some people, self-love may sound a bed of roses rather than a necessity. We as individuals engage in lot of work day and night and take little or


Mental Health in Adolescence

Mental Health equals to mental well-being of an individual. It is all about one’s thoughts, feelings and emotions; their ability to solve problems and overcome challenges, difficulties on daily basis in their lives; their social relationships, connections and understanding of


What would be the alternatives of punishing the children?

A Counsellor who meet people on a daily basis; while meeting children of age group 3 yrs. to 14 yrs. found that parents came with huge complains after instructed by teachers to meet a counselor: “children are so obstinate today

Self Help

Mind is one of the accessories

There are two ways of looking at a mobile accessory (say touch screen, battery or memory card). View it as a distinct component with its own functional modularities. Or as an integral component whose functional capacity depends entirely on its


The effect of stalking behavior on psychological well being of women

Stalking is a behavior, not a Psychological disorder. Where psychological disorders play a vital role in stalking, the contribution differs hugely depending on the nature of the symptoms, the context in which they are experienced, and the role of other


Solo Travelling

Are you getting moan about going alone? No, please don’t. The fear you face about going alone, safety concerns are blocks between you and your travelling. It seems you are vulnerable to miraculous encounters, isn’t it. Oh! But it’s an


Relationship OCD – CD – The biggest threat to todays world

Now days Relationship Obsession is a common factor among many couples in this uncertain world, as a result of which broken relationship, roughness and dullness between pairs (Teenagers & Adults Both) are common scenario everywhere. Before knowing about Relationship Obsession,