Search Results for : depression

Do you know 7 Career Mistakes?

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”But there’s a bummer out there “How do you find what you love?” One of the research study conducted in U.S stated 91% of


Cannabis….. Really

Cannabis is a common substance of abuse during adolescence among school, college going students and street children in India. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 147 million people or 2.5 percent of world population use Cannabis, making it the


Mindfulness: A road towards a healthy mind!

“Thoughts don’t matter but your response to them does.” –Adrian Wells Globalization has transformed the overall scenario of India where the growth of digital communication and mass media has promoted the economic status of India along with many disappointments. Among


Video Game Addiction: Children and Adolescents

In earlier days, we often used to think of addiction being only related to smoking, alcohol or illegal drugs. These were labelled as substance-related addictions. More recently, different types of addictions are seen in children and among adolescents: the internet,


Animals as stress buster

Studies show that with interactions to therapy, animals can decrease stress in human beings. Playing with or petting on an animal can increase the level of the stress-reducing hormone named, Oxytocin and decreases the production of the stress hormone called


Adler’s perspective of personality

The first person to talk about community life in the field of psychology or the first person to speak about feminism or the first person who conceptualise Socratic dialogue method or the first to promote the positive practice of child


“Working Women”- The new perspective

Since a very long time, women, in India are considered to be goddesses in avatar, a goddess who is built on certain standards of the traditional Indian society. These standards are considered essential to the foundation of the hierarchical composition


Wiring of an anxious brain and how to rewire it

Try to remember the time when you had to face an interview, appear for an important exam or give a presentation and notice everything that you were experiencing in your body and in your mind. All the situations mentioned above


How does Fragrances work on Human Psyche?

Perfumes and essential oils have been associated to pleasure and happiness since ages. It used to be a luxury of the elites of the distant past. Though the concept of the use of aroma for therapeutic purposes exists since first



The Case of T: Mom and Dad were surprised when their usually hassle –free 21-year-old son T., who had come home for a month from hostel to prepare for his 5th semester engineering exams announced a day before his return