Search Results for : depression

Do you know Myths and Facts of Mental Illness?

Before diving into the conceptual ocean of mental health, it is initially important to understand about mental fitness, mental illness as well as difference of two. So what according to you mental health can be? Is it just being free

Self Help

How can you control overthinking. Suggestions are here

Thinking is good, but overthinking I can’t agree more to this statement. We see people who take things very lightly and there are also people, who just over-do or overthink. Sometimes, we continue replaying things that we should have done


Need for Psychologists in the Maritime Industry

From counselling, training to psychometrics; there is a great need for psychologists and mental health professionals to involve in the marine industry. Almost all the countries live import some of its basic requirements for its day to day living. Grains,


Too low for the flow

Constant pressure, unforeseen situations and bad health can cause mental imbalance. Feeling of loneliness, helplessness, hopelessness and low affect can hamper your daily functioning. If prolonged, it may worsen and result in clinical depression. “DEPRESSION” – it is a serious


Autism Spectrum Disorder

AUTISM is neither a puzzle nor a disease. Autism is a challenge but certainly not a devastating one. Autistic children may not fit into your box of thoughts but they can help you realize that there is ‘NO BOX’. It


Suicide: Threat to Youth

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among teenagers and young adults after the number of deaths due to motor vehicles.Teenage years represent an anxious and unsettling period for boys and girls as they face the difficulties of transition

Self Help

Beat stress before it beats you

Give your stress wings and let it fly away Terri Guilletmets According to the definitions available in psychology, stress is a feeling of strain and pressure. It is defined as the mental state we experience when there is a discrepancy


The Funeral Rituals and its Psychological Effect on Individuals

To a living organism, life is the most important thing which starts at birth and ends with death. In the case of human beings, between both of these phases, they go through several developmental stages, from which they learn many


Mental health and suicide prevention

In India, the National Mental Health Survey 2015-16, revealed for one or more mental health issues, one in 20 Indians suffers from depression. It was estimated that, in 2012, India had over 258,000 suicides, with the age-group of 15-49 years


PUBG and its effects

The most popular game amongst the youth is……..?? “PUBG”!!! The online world has exploded into battle royal madness, with the launch of a huge game called “Player Unknowns Battleground” (PUBG). It is developed and published by PUBG Cooperation, a subsidiary